man snmp.conf () - configuration files for the Net-SNMP applications


snmp.conf - configuration files for the Net-SNMP applications


snmp.conf is the configuration file which define how the Net-SNMP applications operate. Tokens that can be put in them are described in the DIRECTIVES section below.

/etc/snmp/snmp.conf is a common file, shared by all users of the system.

~/.snmp/snmp.conf is a personal file, with configuration settings for a particular user.


Make sure you make these files readable only by the user if you are storing sensitive information in them like passphrases!

First, make sure you have read the snmp_config(5) manual page that describes how the Net-SNMP configuration files operate, where they are located and how they all work together.


mibdirs (mib-dirs|+mib-dirs)
Look for textual MIBs to parse in the list of ':' separated directories. If the directive value starts with a '+' it prepends this list to the front of the default directory list compiled into the application. Note that this value can be overridden by the MIBDIRS environment variable.
mibs (mib-tokens|+mib-tokens)
Specifies a ':' separated list of MIB tokens that represent textual MIB files that should be found and parsed. If the directive value starts with a '+' it prepends this list to the front of the default MIB token list compiled into the application. The special keyword of "ALL" forces all MIBs files found to be read. Note that the value specified here can be overridden by the MIBS environment variable.
mibfile file
Specifies a textual MIB file to read and parse, in addition to the list read from the MIBs token. Note that the value specified here can be overridden by the MIBFILES environment variable.
persistentDir directory
The directory where snmpd and snmptrapd stores their persistent data files.
tempFilePattern pattern
The file pattern used by snmptrapd to create temporary files. Example: /tmp/snmpdXXXXXX. Used by mkstemp() and mktemp() functions.
defaultPort port
The default port number that all SNMP applications and daemons should use.
defVersion (1|2c|3)
The default SNMP version to use.
defCommunity string
The default SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c community string to use.
defSecurityName string
The default SNMPv3 USM security name you want to use for SNMPv3 requests.
defContext string
The default SNMPv3 context name you want to use.
defPassphrase string
defAuthPassphrase string
defPrivPassphrase string
The default SNMPv3 USM passphrase(s) to use. defPassphrase will be used for both authentication and privacy pass phrases if it is specified.
defAuthType MD5|SHA
The SNMPv3 USM authentication type to use.
defPrivType DES
The SNMPv3 USM privacy type to use. Currently, DES is the only possible value.
defSecurityLevel noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv
The SNMPv3 default security level to use.
defAuthMasterKey 0xHEXSTRING
defPrivMasterKey 0xHEXSTRING
defAuthLocalizedKey 0xHEXSTRING
defPrivLocalizedKey 0xHEXSTRING
Defines the SNMPv3 keys to be used for SNMPv3 secure communications. SNMPv3 keys are frequently derived from a passphrase, as discussed in the defPassphrase section above, however for improved security a truely random key can be generated and used instead (which would normally has better entropy than a password unless your password is amazingly long). But to do this, you need to specify the hexadecimal keys directly to be used for authentication and encryption. These tokens let you do just that. They are equivalent to the short-form command line arguments -3m, -3M, -3k, and -3K. Localized keys are master keys which have been converted to a unique key which is only suitable for on particular SNMP engine (agent). The length of the key needs to be appropriate for the authentication or encryption type being used (auth keys: MD5=16 bytes, SHA1=20 bytes, DES=16 bytes (8 bytes of which is used as an IV and not a key), and AES=16 bytes).
showMibErrors (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Whether or not to display textual MIB parsing errors when commands are run.
strictCommentTerm (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Whether or not MIBs that are parsed should be strict about comment termination. "--" terminates a comment if this is true. Many MIBs have broken comments in them, hence this option.
mibAllowUnderline (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Allow underline characters in MIBs (illegal).
mibWarningLevel integerValue
The minimum warning level of the warnings printed by the MIB parser.
logTimestamp (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Whether the commands should log timestamps with their error/message logging or not. Note that output will not look as pretty with timestamps if the source code that is doing the logging does incremental logging of messages that are not line buffered before being passed to the logging routines. This option is only used when file logging is active.
printNumericEnums (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -Oe.
printNumericOids (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -On.
dontBreakdownOids (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -Ob.
escapeQuotes (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -OE.
quickPrinting (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -Oq.
dontPrintUnits (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -OU.
printHexText (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -OT.
suffixPrinting (0|1|2)
If the value is 1, its equivalent to -Os and if the value is 2 it's equivalent to -OS.
Maps -O options as follow: -Os=1, -OS=2, -Of=3, -On=4, -Ou=5. The value 6 has no matching -O option. It suppresses output.
extendedIndex (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Equivalent to -OX.
noRangeCheck (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Disables the validation of values that is done by snmpset before issuing the request to the agent. Equivalent to -Ir.
noDisplayHint (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Disables the use of DISPLAY-HINT information when parsing indices and values to set. Equivalent to -Ih.
dumpPacket (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
Whether the commands should dump packets by default.
doDebugging (1|0)
Turns on debugging for all applications run if set to 1.
debugTokens TOKEN[,TOKEN...]
The debugging tokens that should be printed. See the snmpcmd(1) manual page for debugging usage details.
serverRecvBuf integer
serverRecvBuf is used to specify the receive buffer size (in bytes) for the initialization of server sockets (eg. snmpd, snmptrapd). If the OS hard limit is smaller than serverRecvBuf the resulting buffer will be lowered so it is close to the hard limit. Some platforms may decide to increment the actual buffersize themselves for internal housekeeping. This directive will be ignored on platforms that don't support
serverSendBuf integer
Similar to serverRecvBuf, but this directive applies to the send buffer of server sockets.
clientRecvBuf integer
Similar to serverRecvBuf, but this directive applies to the receive buffer of client sockets (eg. snmpget).
clientSendBuf integer
Similar to serverRecvBuf, but this directive applies to the send buffer of client sockets.


/etc/snmp/snmp.conf, /etc/snmp/snmp.conf.local - common configuration settings ~/.snmp/snmp.conf - user-specific configuration settings