- badexpiry
find newsgroups with odd use of explicit expiry dates
- checkactive
check format of news active file
- cnewsdo
run C News maintenance commands
- expire
expire old news
upact - update news active file
- mergeactive
bulk addition of newsgroups, merging in other site's active file
- mkhistory
rebuild news history file
- newsaux
check available space for news
queuelen - get length of outbound-news uucp queues
sizeof - get size of file(s) for news
ctime, getabsdate - convert dates to and from internal representation for news
newshostname - get host name for news
gngp - search text using a newsgroup pattern
canonhdr - extract header and canonicalize
newslock - do locking for news
- newsbatch
news batching to other sites
batcher, batchih, batchsm, batchra - news-batch preparation
compcun - news-batch compression
c7encode, bencode - compressed-news-batch encoding
viauux - news-batch transmission via uucp
viamail - news-batch transmission via mail
viainews, viarsh - news-batch transmission by misc. means
- newsflag
change active-file flag for newsgroup
- newsmail
receive mailed news
bdecode - decode encoded mailed news
- newsmaint
extract history line for news article(s)
newsdaily - maintain news log files and report problems
newswatch - keep an eye on news system for difficulties
newsboot - clean up news debris on reboot
locknews - lock news system
addgroup, delgroup - add and delete newsgroups, locally only
adddirs - make any missing directories for active newsgroups
act.to.times - create active.times file for news readers
histfrom, newsfrom - list news arriving over specific time range
addmissing - add missing news articles to history file
- newsoverview
maintain netnews overview database
- relaynews
store and forward netnews articles
- report
report news problems and status
- rnews
accept and spool news input
newsspool, newsrun - news input spooler and processing
newsrunning - control news-processing daemon