man pvchange () - change attributes of a physical volume


pvchange - change attributes of a physical volume


pvchange [-A|--autobackup {y|n}] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-a|--all] [-x|--allocation {y|n}] [PhysicalVolumePath...]


pvchange allows you to change the allocation permissions of one or more physical volumes.


-A, --autobackup y/n
Controls automatic backup of VG metadata after the change ( see vgcfgbackup(8) ). Default is yes.
-d, --debug
Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG).
-h, --help
Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
-v, --verbose
Gives verbose runtime information about pvchange's activities.
-a, --all
If PhysicalVolumePath is not specified on the command line all physical volumes are searched for and used.
-x, --allocation y/n
Enable or disable allocation of physical extents on this physical volume.


"pvchange -x n /dev/sdk1" disallows the allocation of physical extents on this physical volume (possibly because of disk errors, or because it will be removed after freeing it.


pvchange returns an exit code of 0 for success and > 0 for error:

1 no physical volume name(s) on command line 2 no physical volume names found 3 error changing physical volume in kernel 4 error writing physical volume

95 driver/module not in kernel 96 invalid I/O protocol version 97 error locking logical volume manager 98 invalid lvmtab (run vgscan(8)) 99 invalid command line


If this variable is set to "no" then the automatic backup of VG metadata is turned off.
This variable determines the backup history depth of kept VGDA copy files in /etc/lvmconf. It can be set to a positive number between 0 and 999. The higher this number is, the more changes you can restore using vgcfgrestore(8).

See also


Heinz Mauelshagen <>