man podgrep () - grep in pod sections only
podgrep - grep in pod sections only
podgrep [-i] [-p] [-f] [-h] pattern [ files ... ]
This program searches each paragraph in a pod document and prints each paragraph that matches the supplied pattern. This pod may be mixed with program code, such as in a module.
Options are:
- -i
- means case insensitive match
- -p
- means page output though the user's pager. The pager will be primed with an argument to search for the string. This highlights the result.
- -f
- means format output though the pod2text program.
- -h
- means check for matches in pod CW=head and CW=item headers alone, and to keep printing podagraphs until the next header is found.
$ podgrep mail `pmpath CGI` (prints out podagraphs from the manpage that mention mail)
$ podgrep -i destructor `sitepods` (prints out podagraphs that mention destructors in the site-installed pods)
$ podgrep -i 'type.?glob' `stdpods`
(prints out podagraphs that mention typeglob in the standard pods)
$ podgrep -hpfi "lock" `faqpods`
(prints out all podagraphs with "lock" in the headers case-insensitively, then then formats these with pod2text, then shows them in the pager with matches high-lighted)
$ podgrep -fh seek `podpath perlfunc` (prints out and formats podagraphs from the standard perlfunc manpage whose headers or items contain "seek".)
For a pager, the author likes these environment settings (in the login startup, of course):
$ENV{PAGER} = "less"; $ENV{LESS} = "MQeicsnf";
Copyright (c) 1999 Tom Christiansen
This is free software. You may modify it and distribute it under Perl's Artistic Licence. Modified versions must be clearly indicated.