man x2sys_datalist () - A generic data-extractor ascii or binary files


x2sys_datalist - A generic data-extractor ascii or binary files


x2sys_datalist file(s) [ -Ddeffile ] [ -Fname1,name2,... ] [ -H ] [ -M[flag] ] [ -Rwest/east/south/north ] [ -S ] [ -TTAG ] [ -V ] [ -bo ]


x2sys_datalist reads one or more files and produces an ASCII [or binary] table. The files can be of any format, which must be descriped and passed with the -D option (or, alternatively, the \-T option). You may limit the output to a geographic region, and insist that the output from several files be separated by a multiple segment header. Only the named data fields will be output [Default is all columns].

Can be one or more binary or ASCII data files. To give a list of names, use `cat list_of_files`.


No space between the option flag and the associated arguments

Definition file for this data set. [x2sys.def]
Give a comma-separated list of column names as defined in the definition file. [Default is all data columns].
Input file(s) has Header record(s). Number of header records can be changed by editing your .gmtdefaults4 file. If used, GMT default is 1 header record. Use -Hi if only input data should have header records [Default will write out header records if the input data have them].
Suppress output records where all the data columns are NaN [Default will output all records].
Sets the data set TAG which among other things sets the definition file.
Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].
Selects binary output. Append s for single precision [Default is double].


To extract all data from the old-style GMT MGG file c2104.gmt:

x2sys_datalist c2104.gmt -Dgmt > myfile

To make x,y,topo input for blockmean and surface using all the files listed in the file tracks.lis, but only the data that are inside the specified area, and make output binary, run

x2sys_datalist `cat tracks.lis` -Fx,y,topo -R-40/-30/25/35 -bo >