man display-sub (Conventions) - display-sub : Make a child visual that is a window to the parent


display-sub : Make a child visual that is a window to the parent


Creates a "child" visual within a "parent". This can be thought of as a window and the display-sub target is intended for simple windowing systems.

No textual arguments, since this target can only be used by applications. argptr must contain the parent visual.

The sub target behaves a bit special with respect to (i.e. abuses the semantics of :) the ggiSetMode(3) call. It uses the "visible" size for the top left corner position of the window within the visual, and the "virtual" size for window width and height. Note, that moving/resizing the window does not cause any drawing action. You have to perform those yourself. All it does for you is providing a virtual visual within an existing one, which is convenient to allow for window system canvases to be about any GGI program.


DirectBuffer not supported.
Accelerated to the point of the parent. Calls are mapped through with modified clipping and coordinates.