man fpit (Fichiers spéciaux) - Fujitsu Stylistic input driver
fpit - Fujitsu Stylistic input driver
Section qInputDeviceq Identifier qidevnameq Driver qfpitq Option qDeviceq qdevpathq ... EndSection
fpit is an Xorg input driver for Fujitsu Stylistic Tablet PCs.
The fpit driver functions as a pointer input device, and may be used as the X server's core pointer.
This driver supports the touchscreen of the Stylistic LT and (with special options) of the Stylistic 500, 1000 and 2300.
Under Linux the Fujitsus serial port is not, by default, detected. Therefore the following must be added to one of your start-up scripts. (Either one of the X scripts, or to rc.local or similar).
- setserial /dev/ttyS3 autoconfig
- setserial /dev/ttyS3 IRQ 15 baud_base 115200 port 0xfce8
This driver now supports Stylistic 3400 (and possibly other passive-pen systems) with a special "Passive" paramter. Try this serial configuration for the 3400:
- setserial /dev/ttyS3 autoconfig
- setserial /dev/ttyS3 uart 16450 irq 5 port 0xfd68
Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration details and for options that can be used with all input drivers. This section only covers configuration details specific to this driver.
The device supports the following options:
- Option " MaximumXPosition" " number"
- Sets the maximum X position, use this to calibrate your touchscreen's right hand edge.
- Option " MinimumXPosition" " number"
- Sets the minimum X position, use this to calibrate your touchscreen's left hand edge.
- Option " MaximumYPosition" " number"
- Option " MinimumYPosition" " number"
- Same as for X axis, but for Y axis.
- Option " InvertX"
- Option " InvertY"
- Invert the specified axis.
- Option " SwapXY"
- Swap the X and Y axis.
- Option " Rotate" " CW"
- Option " Rotate" " CWW" Manipulate the invert and swap options to match screen rotations.
- Option " DeviceName" " name"
- Option " DeviceName" " name" sets the name of the X device.
- Option " AlwaysCore" " on"
- enables the sharing of the core pointer. When this feature is enabled, the device will take control of the core pointer (and thus will emit core events) and at the same time will be able, when asked so, to report extended events. You can use the last available integer feedback to control this feature. When the value of the feedback is zero, the feature is disabled. The feature is enabled for any other value.
- Option " DebugLevel" number
- sets the level of debugging info reported.
- Option " BaudRate" " 38400" , " 19200" or " 9600" (default)
- changes the serial link speed.
- Option " Passive"
- decodes the passive pen.
Example, for Stylistic LT setup is:
Section qInputDeviceq Identifier qmouse0q Driver qfpitq Option qDeviceq q/dev/ttyS3q EndSection
And for other Stylistic devices try:
Section qInputDeviceq Identifier qmouse0q Driver qfpitq Option qDeviceq q/dev/ttyS3q Option qBaudRateq q19200q Option qMaximumXPositionq q6250q Option qMaximumYPositionq q4950q Option qMinimumXPositionq q130q Option qMinimumYPositionq q0q Option qInvertYq EndSection
For Stylistic 3400:
Section qInputDeviceq Identifier qmouse0q Driver qfpitq Option qDeviceq q/dev/ttyS3q Option qBaudRateq q9600q Option qMaximumXPositionq q4070q Option qMaximumYPositionq q4020q Option qMinimumXPositionq q0q Option qMinimumYPositionq q0q Option qPassiveq Option qSendCoreEventsq EndSection
Original FPIT port: Rob Tsuk <> and John Apfelbaum <>
X4 Port: Richard Miller-Smith <>, based on Elographics code from: Patrick Lecoanet
X4.2 Cleanup: Alan Cox