man cpufreqd.conf (Formats) - configuration file for cpufreqd(1)


cpufreqd.conf - configuration file for cpufreqd(1)


cpufreqd.conf is a simple text file containing rules to be used by cpufreqd(1).

cpufreqd.conf is divided into sections enclosed in tags (eg.: [General][/General]). You need at least one [General] section and one or more [Profile] and [Rule] sections. Each [Rule] depends on previously defined [Profile] subsections. Some plugins also require a proper configuration section.

Some notes to better understand how to write appropriate rules:

- the score of a rule is made up of the percentage of entries that match the current system state as reported by plugins + the number of matching entries. In this way even a single-entry rule can reach 100% but more accurate rules are preferred.

- in case of 2 or more rules having the same score the first one (as found in the configuration file) is kept and applied.

- each entry is handled by a single plugin that will determine if the state described matches the current state

- if no rule matches the current system status, no action is performed.

What to keep in mind when writing rules:

- the -V switch is your (hopefully) friend, test your configuration slightly increasing cpufreqd verbosity and look what happens (-V6 will report rules' scores, -V7 will report which entry matched and which not).

- if you want a rule to be preferred over another just describe the system state more accurately

A good approach to write cpufreqd rules is to first describe the basic parameters you want for a general usage (e.g.: define at least an "AC-on" rule and an "AC-off" rule), then proceed and describe all the special cases by describing the system state more accurately (e.g.: "AC-off but running mplayer" or "AC-on but temperature too hot").

Note that no white space is allowed between name and value pairs. Characters after a '#' are considered comments and ignored.


Acceptable configuration tokens and values include:


A float larger than 0.15, measures the interval between system status reading in seconds. Note: the lower bound has been set in order to try to avoid trashing your system if using a too low value. (default: 1.0)
A list of plugins separated by comma.
Specifies the file to write as its process identification file. (default: /var/run/
Make cpufreqd open a local UNIX socket and listen for command to be executed. See cpufreqd-set(1) and cpufreqd-set(1) for two very simple clients.
Make the socket readable and writeable to the specified group. Useful to allow simple users to tweak cpufreqd with cpufreqd-set and cpufreqd-set.
Make cpufreqd check if the requested policy has been correctly applied by re-reading the corresponding kernel attributes.
Verbosity level from 0 (less verbose) to 7 (most verbose), the default value only prints warning/error/critical messages. (default: 4)


An arbitrary and unique name for your profile. [REQUIRED]
An integer value representing the minimum frequency to set in /proc/cpufreq. This value can be both a percentage of the CPU full capacity or frequency in kHz.
An integer value representing the maximum frequency to set. This value can be both a percentage of the CPU full capacity or frequency in kHz.
Can be any of the available governor's name as shown in /sys/devices/.../cpufreq/scaling_available_governors, this means that if you compiled governors as modules in your kernel, you need to load them before running cpufreqd. [REQUIRED]
other plugin entries
Other Profile options are enabled according to the enabled plugins.


An arbitrary and unique name for your rule. [REQUIRED]
A character string that must match a [Profile] section name property. [REQUIRED]
other plugin entries
Other Rule options are enabled according to the enabled plugins.


Plugins extend cpufreqd in order to be able to cope with the most exotic system paramters. Currently available plugins are listed below along with the configration directives they provide and their configuration section description if available.

acpi_battery plugin

Monitors the battery level as reported by /proc/acpi/battery/*/state. If multiple batteries are present the battery level is computed summing all battery capacities. Available Rule entries:

The rule will have a higher score if battery percentage is between the values provided. Can be of the form %d-%d or simply %d for a fixed value (e.g.: battery_interval=10-100) or %s:%d-%d or %s:%d where the string represents the battery name that must match (look at 'ls /proc/acpi/battery' for available names).

acpi_ac plugin

Monitors the AC state as reported by /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/*/state. Available Rule entries:

Can be on or off. The rule will have a higher score if the A/C adapter is on or off as defined in this setting.

acpi_temperature plugin

Monitors the temperature as reported by /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/temperature. Unfortunately as I don't currently have the necessary harware, if multiple thermal zones are reported a medium value is computed. Available Rule entries:

The rule will have a higher score if the temperature percentage is corresponds to the provided values. Can be of the form %d-%d or simply %d for a fixed value (e.g.: acpi_temperature=10-100) or %s:%d-%d or %s:%d where the string represents the thermal zone name that must match (look at 'ls /proc/acpi/thermal_zone' for available names).

apm plugin

Monitors values reported by the APM subsystem. Available Rule entries:

Can be on or off. The rule will have a higher score if the A/C adapter is on or off as defined in this setting.
The rule will have a higher score if battery percentage is between the values provided. Must be of the form %d-%d (e.g.: battery_interval=10-100).

pmu plugin

Monitors values reported by the PMU subsystem. Available Rule entries:

Can be on or off. The rule will have a higher score if the A/C adapter is on or off as defined in this setting.
The rule will have a higher score if battery percentage is between the values provided. Must be of the form %d-%d (e.g.: battery_interval=10-100).

cpu plugin

Monitors the cpu usage. Available Rule entries:

The rule will have a higher score if cpu usage is between the values provided. Must be of the form %d-%d (e.g.: cpu_interval=10-100). Rules with overlapping cpu_intervals are allowed. You can also specify the scale to calculate niced processes cpu usage with the form %d-%d,%f (e.g.: cpu_interval=70-100,1.5), default is 3, in this way niced processes will be considered 1/3 of their real value.

programs plugin

Monitors active processes. Available entries:

The rule will have a higher score if one of the listed processes is running. This is a comma separated list. No white space is allowed between values. cpufreqd will try to match each process name with the configured process list. If you need to match against program from a spe- cific location you have to supply the full path as search pattern.

nforce2_atxp1 plugin

Allows you to change Vcore of the CPU on the fly if you own a NForce2 board with atxp1 voltage regulator (and its module loaded). The use of this plugin will allow a new Profile directive and requires a configuration section.

Section [nforce2_atxp1]
vcore_path Defines the interface file created by atxp1 module which will be used to change Vcore.

vcore_default As NForce2 boards only initialize the atxp1 on power-on, you need to put back default Vcore before reboot. This value will be used to set Vcore on exit.

Will set Vcore to this value (given in mV) when the corresponding Profile is applied. Due to safety reasons range is limited from 1200 to 1850.

nvclock plugin

Allows you to tweak the core an memory clock for NVidia cards. The use of this plugin will allow new Profile directives. NOTE: you MUST use this plugin ONLY with supported cards. See also the nvclock homepage (

Sets the core clock in MHz. Must be of the form %d:%d where the first integer represents the card number, the second the desired frequency in MHz.
Sets the memory clock in MHz. Must be of the form %d:%d where the first integer represents the card number, the second the desired frequency in MHz.

sensors plugin

Allows you to specify lm-sensors features to watch, see `sensors -u' to find out which sensors are available on your system. A configuration section is also available to tell cpufreqd which sensors.conf file to use. If not specified it will take the first on the default locations.

Section [sensors_plugin]
sensors_conf Define this directive to the sensors.conf file you want cpufreqd to use to load the sensors library.
The rule will have a higher score if the given sensor feature reports a value between the two defined. Must be of the form %s:%f-%f where the string represents the feature name and the two decimal numbers the interval into which the directive is valid (e.g.: sensor=temp1:0-50).


# cpufreqd.conf sample
# this is a comment
enable_plugins=acpi_battery, acpi_ac, acpi_temperature, programs, cpu
verbosity=5 #(if you want a minimal logging)

[Profile] name=hi minfreq=100% maxfreq=100% policy=performance [/Profile]

[Profile] name=medium minfreq=66% maxfreq=66% policy=performance [/Profile]

[Profile] name=lo minfreq=33% maxfreq=33% policy=performance [/Profile]

[Profile] name=ondemand_hi minfreq=0% maxfreq=100% policy=ondemand [/Profile]

[Profile] name=ondemand_lo minfreq=0% maxfreq=66% policy=ondemand [/Profile]

# full power when AC # max score 101% [Rule] name=AC_on ac=on profile=hi [/Rule]

# conservative mode when not AC # max score 101% [Rule] name=AC_off ac=off profile=ondemand_hi [/Rule]

# low battery # max score 102% [Rule] name=lo_battery ac=off battery_interval=0-40 profile=ondemand_lo [/Rule]

# need big power (not if battery very low) # max score 103% [Rule] name=hi_cpu ac=off battery_interval=40-100 cpu_interval=70-100 profile=hi [/Rule]

# slow down a little if overheated # max score 103% [Rule] name=overheat acpi_temperature=55-100 cpu_interval=0-100 battery_interval=40-100 profile=medium [/Rule]

# full power when watching DVDs and not AC # can reach a 105% score [Rule] name=dvd_watching ac=off battery_interval=0-100 acpi_temperature=0-100 cpu_interval=0-100 programs=xine,mplayer profile=hi [/Rule]



Mattia Dongili <>

George Staikos <>