man divine.conf (Formats) - configuration file for divine


divine.conf - configuration file for divine




The file /etc/divine.conf lists all the networks this machine will be used in. In particular, the file lists the IP numbers of this machine in the different networks, the network mask, one or several IP numbers to try to reach in that network, the default gateway, the DNS configuration and web proxy settings.

It needs not be world readable (but does not contain passwords or other critical information).


Each line contains (in this order, separated by colons) the following fields:

This is simply the IP and netmask of this machine in this network. The netmask is specified as the number of bits from the left that are one, so, for example, would be written as /24.

You have to give at least one IP number that is always up in that network, for example the standard gateway. Please note that the IP number has to be on the same LAN, since ARP requests are not routed.

"default gateway
This is the IP number of the default gateway in this network.

"alternative resolv.conf
Once divine found out in which network you are, it will unlink /etc/resolv.conf and create a symbolic link to this value. I recommend using, resolv.conf.home and similar file names for this. make install will copy your resolv.conf to resolv.conf.default so it is not accidentally lost when you play with divine.

"web proxy
This is an IP number or host name of your web proxy.

"web proxy port
This is the numeric port of the web proxy you are using (probably 3128, 80, 8080 or 8000).

This is the name of a script (or other executable) that you want divine to run when this configuration is detected. Use this for stuff that I forgot, maybe having a symlink scheme like the /etc/resolv.conf one for /etc/printcap or change /etc/issue to reflect the configuration. Use your imagination.

This is simply so you can keep the entries apart, and divine will display this name when it identified the network.


You can put comment lines in /etc/divine.conf if they start with a hash sign (#).


# IP/netmask:ip[|ip...]:default_gw:resolv.conf.whatever:proxy:port:description|

