man icmplog.conf (Formats) - configuration file for icmplog(8).


icmplog.conf - configuration file for icmplog(8).




The icmplog(8) configuration file is used to specify the level at which ICMP packets of a given type should be logged.

Log levels for packets are specified using the `type [level]' rule described below.

A default log level can be specified with the level keyword, which is used for packet types which have not been explicitly assigned a level in the configuration.

The default syslog facility can be overriden with the facility keyword.

The `except' keyword can be used to specify a list of hosts from which connections should be ignored.

Lines beginning with `#' (shell-style comments) and blank lines in the configuration file are ignored.

An example configuration is included with the source distribution and is installed by default into /etc/icmplog.conf


except [host], [host], [host]
Specify a list of hosts to ignore connection requests from. The list can be comma or whitespace separated, and may contain fragments like `192.168.' and `'. If the fragment is numeric, it is compared with the IP of the source host, otherwise the comparison is made with the resolved hostname.
level [level]
Specify the default logging level. The level can be any one of IGNORE, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO and DEBUG.
facility [facility]
Specify the default logging facility. The facility can be any one of USER, DAEMON and LOCAL0-7.
[type] [level]
This is a generic rule which specifies the level at which packets of a certain type are logged. The type can either be numeric, or one of the keywords `echoreply', `destunreach', `quench', `redirect', `echo', `timeout', `paramprob', `timereq', `timerep', `inforeq' or `inforep'. The level, as above, is a syslog.h symbolic constant.



jail is distributed under the Artistic License.


Abhijit Menon-Sen <>

$Id: icmplog.conf.5,v 1.7 2001/02/19 10:06:17 ams Exp $