man irmp3d.conf (Formats) - Configuration file for irmp3d


irmp3d.conf - Configuration file for irmp3d


irmp3d is the core daemon of irmp3. irmp3d uses a configuration file called irmp3.conf. This file is expected in /etc, but a different location can be specified on the command line.

The config file is a simple text file. Each line may contain a configuration directive or a comment. Empty lines or lines beginning with a '#' are treated as comments and thus are ignored.

Each other line is parsed as a <key>:<value> pair where <key> represents a configuration key and <value> its assigned value. Any unknown or unsupported keys (e.g. because you don't have included the assigned module) are ignored silently. The values that are shown in this manual page are the default values assigned to a new config file.

irmp3 consists of several modules that use different configuration values. Therefore, this manual page is divided into sections describing each module and its parameters.


irmp3d itself needs a few parameters.

irmp3conf_version: <version>
This key is set automatically by irmp3conf to identify the version of irmp3conf that has been used to generate this config file. irmp3d will show a warning on startup if you use an outdated config file. You may want to set this value manually after upgrading irmp3d and checking that your configuration options still exist and work the way you expect them to do.
log_timestr: %X
strftime() format for reporting the date/time in the logfile. Please see manual page of strftime() for more information.
irmp3_init_command: none
A semi-column separated list of commands that irmp3d will run on startup. This option can be used to specify a playlist or a directory to use on startup. It is equivalent to the irmp3d "-m " startup option, but is easyer to use when irmp3d is used as a daemon
playtype_<type>: none
when irmp3d has recognised the type of a file, it will atempt to recognise the correct player. this option will force a particular player for a particular file type. If none are given, irmp3d will ask the different players for supported types and choose a correct one
exec_on_close: none
command to be executed on irmp3d shutdown. mainly used with the autoshutdown module


mod_mpg123 interacts with the external MP3 player mpg123.

mpg123_binary: <path/to/mpg123>
Location of executable binary of mpg123. the default value is guessed by the ./configure script
mpg123_param: none
Aditional parameters to pass to mpg123 on startup. Options like buffering, proxies (for streaming) or priority changes can be set here. See mpg123 --help for a list of supported parameters.
abort_on_unknown_mpg123_status: no
Should irmp3 halt playback when mpg123 reports unknown status? This is useful for debugging, but you don't really want playback to stop with every "junk at the beginning", do you?


mod_flac123 interacts with the external FLAC player flac123.

flac123_binary: <path/to/flac123>
Location of executable binary of flac123. the default value is guessed by the ./configure script
flac123_param: none
Aditional parameters to pass to flac123 on startup. Options like buffering, proxies (for streaming) or priority changes can be set here. See flac123 --help for a list of supported parameters.
abort_on_unknown_flac123_status: no
Should irmp3 halt playback when flac123 reports unknown status? This is useful for debugging, but you don't really want playback to stop with every "junk at the beginning", do you?


mod_mplayer interacts with the external multimedia player mplayer.

mplayer_binary: <path/to/mplayer>
Location of executable binary of mplayer. the default value is guessed by the ./configure script
mplayer_param: none
Aditional parameters to pass to mplayer on startup. see the mplayer man page for a list of supported options
abort_on_unknown_mplayer_status: no
Should irmp3 halt playback when mplayer reports unknown status? This is useful for debugging, but you don't really want playback to stop with every "junk at the beginning", do you?


mod_timidity interacts with the external MIDI player timidity.

timidity_binary: <path/to/timidity>
Location of executable binary of timidity. the default value is guessed by the ./configure script
timidity_param: none
Aditional parameters to pass to timidity on startup. See timidity --help for a list of supported parameters.
abort_on_unknown_timidity_status: no
Should irmp3 halt playback when timidity reports unknown status? This is useful for debugging, but you don't really want playback to stop with every "junk at the beginning", do you?


mod_radio interact with the external fmtools programs to use v4l enabled FM radio cards

radio_binary: <path/to/fm>
Location of the "fm" executable to use, the default value is guessed by the ./configure script
fm_params <params>
extra parameters to give to the fm program, usefull if you have multiple cards or multiple tuners in a card


mod_lcdproc interacts with the LCDproc server daemon LCDd. It sends information to the display and receives key events generated by LCDproc. Please see the LCDproc documentation for more information on how to install and setup LCDproc.

lcdproc_host: localhost
lcdproc_port: 13666
Hostname and port for LCDproc server connection.
lcdproc_clock_timer: 1
Minutes of idle time until the screen shows a clock. set to 0 to disable
lcdproc_keylist: <list of keys to receive>
You must supply a list of keys you wish irmp3d to receive from LCDproc here. Use a comma-delimited format, no spaces! If you do not list a key here, irmp3 will not receive that key at all! irmp3 conf will generate a default configuration using the e,f,g,h,i,j,k,p,r,s,t keys, and the correct lodproc_key_<key> symbols to control irmp3d.
lcdproc_key_<key>: <command>
Use this option to assign a command string to a key. See the generated config file for examples.
lcdproc_browser_scrollbar: yes
Set this to no if you want to disable the file browser scrollbar emulation.
lcdproc_browser_timeout: 10
Timeout in seconds before mod_browser disappears.
lcdproc_preserve_upper_right: no
If this is set to yes, irmp3d will try not to display a character at the upper right corner of the display as not to disturb the LCDproc heartbeat.
lcdproc_timestr: %R
lcdproc_datestr: %x
Time and date formats to display the clock screen. Please see the manual page of strftime () for more information.
lcdproc_songtime_hours: no
Set this to yes if you'd like your song time to be displayed as 1:23:45 instead of 83:54 (special option for songs by Mike Oldfield).
lcdproc_status_alignment: right
Determines the alignment of the status line (right or left).


mod_lirc connects to a LIRC system and handles commands that have been assigned to keys on you remote control. Please see the documentation of LIRC for more information on how to install and setup LIRC.

lirc_config: <NULL>
Path and filename to your LIRC configuration file. You may use any valid irmp3d command at the "config =" line in your lircrc. See the list of irmp3d commands (manual page irmp3d.7) and the LIRC documentation for more information.


mod_playlist keeps a list of songs to play and offers various options for handling playlists.

playlist_skip_back_timeout: 2
Number of seconds after which a "playlist jump -1" command will restart the current song instead of skipping to the previous song.
playlist_repeat: [off|current|all]
Default playlist repeat mode. Defaults to "all".
playlist_shuffle: no
Determines whether a playlist should be shuffled right after loading.
playlist_sort_mode: [auto|manual]
Determines whether a playlist should be sorted automatically after loading or manually using the "playlist sort" command. defaults to manual


mod_playlistlist enables irmp3d to keep a list of playlist and easily switch between playlists.

This module doesn't have any configurable options so far.


mod_alarm is able to handle events that can be triggered from outside irmp3d by sending a SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 to the daemon (e. g. through a cron job).

mod_alarm depends on mod_env and provides two special environments called environment_alarm1 and environment_alarm2. Please see the section on mod_env in tis document for more information.


mod_autoshutdown shuts down the irmp3d daemon after a certain time of inactivity.

autoshutdown_time: 0
Minutes of inactivity before irmp3d automatically shuts down. Set to 0 (default) to disablemod_ autoshutdown.


mod_beep can be used to produce an audible signal if features are turned on or off.

beep_on: /usr/local/share/irmp3/beep/
beep_off: /usr/local/share/irmp3/beep/
The files irmp3d will play when turning a feature on or off.
beep_device: /dev/dsp1
The sound device to play beeps. Note you may need to use a device different from the device mpg123 uses.
beep_play: /usr/bin/sox %f -t ossdsp -w -s %d
The command executed to play a sound. %d and %f will be substituted with beep_device and the sound file to play.


mod_browser provides an interactive file and directory browser that can be used to select files and directories to play. Additionally, external scripts can be called to perform complex functions.

browser_root: </>
Root directory for browsing. Browsing is limted to this directory and its subfolders.
browser_home: </>
File browser's startup directory (relative to 'browser_root').
browser_exec: -
Directory where executable shell scripts may be stored (relative to 'browser_root'). Leave blank to enable shell script execution within all directories below 'browser_root'. Defaults to '-' which to disable shell script execution for security reasons.
browser_mask_audio: *.[Mm][Pp]3
File name pattern to be recognized as audio file.
browser_mask_list: *.[Mm]3[Uu]
File name pattern to be recognized as playlist.
browser_mask_listlist: *.[Mm]3[Ll]
File name pattern to be recognized as playlistlist.
browser_mask_exec: *.[Ss][Hh]
File name pattern to be recognized as executable script.
browser_mask_hide: *
Pattern for files that should not be displayed. '*' means no files besides the ones specified above will be shown. '*.count' means only files matching '*.count' will be excluded, all remaining filles will be displayed.
browser_mask_casesensitive: yes
Set this to 'no' if you don't want irmp3d to perform case sensitive file name matching.
browser_execmsg: </tmp/irmp3.execmsg.tmp>
Filename where shell scripts executed by mod_browse can leave a message to be displayed by irmp3d. The irmp3d daemon must have read access to this file. The file can be located outside 'browser_root'. This filename will be the 1st command line parameter passed to the shell script. The script has to clear/delete this file if it doesn't want to display any information.
browser_pwddepth: 2
Sets the number of parent directories you want to be shown as parent working directory. If your pwd is '/mnt/mp3/music/metal' and 'browser_pwddepth' is set to 2, you will be shown 'music/metal' as pwd
browser_cdup: no
Set this to 'yes' if you want to be shown a ".." directory. Using this feature you don't need a "browser back" key. Simply use normal "browser into" command on a ".." directory in order to do a "cd ..".
browser_cdup_initial_updir: no
Set this to "yes" if you want mod_browser to stay on ".." after cd-ing into a directory. If set to no, mod_browser will automatically advance to the first file (if present).


mod_cd provides support for playing both audio CDs and data CDs containing MP3 files.

num_cd_device: 1
the number of cdroms to handle. each of them has a device and a mountpoint, they are numbered from 0 to n-1
cd_device_#: /dev/cdrom
The device to use for mounting and audio playback.
cd_mountpoint_#: /mnt/cdrom
The mount point to use for data CDs.
cd_scandir_pattern: *.[Mm][Pp]3
Pattern to scan file names of data CDs. All files matching this pattern are added to a playlist. the mountpoint for the specific device is prepended to find the files.
cd_externmount: yes
If this is set to "no", irmp3d will use a system call instead of the external mount command. Note that irmp3d needs root privileges if you want to do this.


mod_env makes it possible to specify environments consisting of multiple irmp3d commands that can be called with a single command. Environments are specified using the following syntax:

environment_<env name>: <command>;<command>;...
irmp3conf will generate example environments called environment_bedtime and environment_party


mod_idle is used internally to announce periods of idle time to other modules.

idle_interval: 60
Time in seconds between idle checks/announcements. set to 0 to disable (this might break other modules)


mod_mixer provides an interface to control audio mixer settings of your sound card.

mixer_device: /dev/mixer
File name of mixer device.
mixer_volume: -1
mixer_balance: 0 mixer_bass: -1 mixer_treble: -1 Default values that are set by irmp3d on startup. These values can also be restored by issuing a 'mixer default' command. If you don't want irmp3d to modify your mixer settings, just remove these settings or set them to -1.
mixer_vol_channel: vol
The name of the mixer channel to manipulate volume.


mod_netctl provides a network socket that can be used to submit commands to irmp3d.

netctl_enabled: yes
Set this to "no" to disable network support.
netctl_interface: all
You can specify a hostname or an ip address for irmp3d to bind to. Default to 'all' interfaces.
netctl_port: 9232
Network port to bind to. mod_netctl will fail without this option.
netctl_max_clients: 5
Maximum number of clients allowed to connect at a time.


mod_timer provides a sleep timer similar to the timer provided by many legacy devices.

This module doesn't have any configurable options so far. See the appropriate section of irmp3d(7) for more information.


None so far.


mod_fifo provides an interface to submit commands to irmp3d through a named pipe.

fifo_enabled: no
Set this to yes to enable mod_fifo.
fifo_directory: /tmp
Set this to the directory where the pipe should reside. Note irmp3d needs write access to this path if you choose to create a fifo dynamically (see below).
fifo_name: irmp3-%u-%p.tmp
Name of the socet file. %u will be replaced with the uid, %p with the pid of irmp3d.
fifo_create: yes
Sets whether irmp3d tries to create a new socket or use an existing socket (useful if you want to setup a single instance of irmp3d and control it e. g. via /dev/irmp3d).
fifo_remove: yes
Sets whether irmp3d removes the fifo file on shutdown.
fifo_perms: 0622
Default permissions for newly created socket file. Note that u+r is added automatically (everything else is ridiculous anyway).


mod_kbd directly reads input events from the keyboard and the mouse and can then use a configuration file to run some irmp3 it is especially usefull for handling of multimedia keyboards, but it can also map normal keys (avoid that on a computer which is not dedicated to irmp3

kbd_enabled: no
Set this to yes to enable mod_kbd.

WARNING there is a security threat in using this module : irmp3d will be reading all your keyboard input to find out the keys it has to process, avoid using this module with mod_netctl and/or verbose debug
kbd_device: /dev/input/event0
the kernel event device from which keyboard events are read.
mouse_device: /dev/input/event1
the kernel event device where mouse events are read
the action to do when a given key is pressed. the mouse buttons are called Btn0 Btn1 etc...
the mouse movement sensitivity for mouse movement detection
the command to run when a particular mouse movement is detected



/etc/irmp3d.conf /usr/sbin/irmp3d