man lock_gulmd (Formats) - configuration section for lock_gulmd


lock_gulm - configuration section for lock_gulmd


This is the subsection to the cluster section in the cluster.conf file for configuring gulm (Which is both the server, lock_gulmd, and the kernel module lock_gulm.o).

Most configurations need only the servers key. All other keys are optional, as the defaults work for nearly all cases.

All gulm options are withing the <gulm></gulm> section, which should be placed above the <clusternodes/> section.

Most of the config keys are equal to the long options on the command line.

lockserver An IP or host name that is allowed to be a server. This has no default value. You must supply 1, 3, 4, or 5 of these values, and the nodes must be listed in the <clusternodes/> section.

You can use either IPs or names. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses can be used. Node names are looked up via libresolv into IPs. IPv6 addresses will be used over IPv4 addresses.

heartbeat_rate The rate at which the heartbeats are checked by the server in seconds. Two-thirds of this time is the rate at which the heartbeats are sent. Default is 15.

allowed_misses How many consecutive heartbeats can be missed before we mark the node expired. Default is 2.

coreport The port used by the gulm core. Default is 40040.

ltpx_port The port used by the LTPX. Default is 40042.

lt_port What port the first lock table uses. Each additional lock table will increment this to get their port. (If you have lt_partitions greater than 1.) Default is 41040.

lt_partitions How many partitions of the lock space should there be. Typically, one partition per cpu on the server nodes seems to be the best. Default is 1.


Using IPv4 addresses:

<cluster name="example" config_version="1"> <gulm> <lockserver name=""/> <lockserver name=""/> <lockserver name=""/> </gulm> <!-- other require sections covered elsewhere --> </cluster>

Using IPv6 addresses: (while still being on a IPv4 network)

<cluster name="example" config_version="1"> <gulm> <lockserver name="::ffff:"/> <lockserver name="::ffff:"/> <lockserver name="::ffff:"/> </gulm> <!-- other require sections covered elsewhere --> </cluster>

Using node names, these are looked up with libresolv to get IPs:

<cluster name="example" config_version="1"> <gulm> <lockserver name="node01"/> <lockserver name="node02"/> <lockserver name="node03"/> </gulm> <!-- other require sections covered elsewhere --> </cluster>

SEE ALSO lock_gulmd(8), ccs(7)