man (Formats) - list of known MIME content-types, as used by af


mime.types - list of known MIME content-types, as used by af


The mime.types file lists the known MIME content-types, and the filename suffixes which indicate that a given file is probably of that type.

Af uses this information to default the MIME type when sending a file. It is also used as the list of possible completions when af prompts for a MIME content-type.

Lines in the file which start with a '#' are treated as comments and ignored, as are blank lines. Each other line starts with a MIME content-type. The content-type may be followed by one or more suffixes, each separated by blank space. Each suffix indicates that a file with that suffix will default to the specified content-type.


# A partial mime.types file

# The basic text types text/plain txt text/enriched text/html html htm

# Some multimedia types audio/basic au snd image/gif gif image/jpeg jpeg jpg video/mpeg mpeg mpg


$HOME/.mime.types user's list of MIME types.

global list of MIME types for af.



global lists of MIME types for all mailers.


Malc Arnold, based on a common standard used by several mail readers.


af(1), ``The Af Reference Manual''.