man munin-node.conf (Formats) - Munin-node configuration file


node.conf - Munin-node configuration file


Munin-node is the node that Munin fetches data from, graphs, htmlifies and optionaly warns nagios about data it gathers. It's designed to let it be very easy to graph new datasources.

node.conf is the configuration file for munin-node.

The format of the file is dictated by the use of Net::Server. A look at perldoc Net::Server will give a list of options that the file supports by using the module.

Additional options:

host_name <host>
If set, overrides the hostname munin-node uses in its 'hello'-negotiation with munin. A telnet localhost 4949 will show the hostname munin-node is currently using. If munin-node and the main munin installation do not agree on the hostname, munin will skip all the plugins of the machine in question.
paranoia <yes|no|true|false|on|off|1|0>
If set, checks permissions of plugin files, and only tries to run files owned by root. Default on.
ignore_file <regex>
Files matching &lt;regex&gt; in the node.d/ and node-conf.d/ directories will be overlooked.


A pretty normal configuration file:

        log_level 4
        log_file /var/log/munin/munin-node.log
        port 4949
        pid_file /var/run/
        background 1
        setseid 1
        host *
        user root
        group root
        setsid yes
        ignore_file \.bak$
        ignore_file \.rpm(save|new)$
        ignore_file ^README$
        allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$
        ignore_file \.dpkg-(old|new)$
        ignore_file \.rpm(save|new)$
See the documentation or Munin homepage <> for more info.


Jimmy Olsen.


Copyright © 2002-2004 Audun Ytterdal and Jimmy Olsen / Linpro AS. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is released under the GNU General Public License