man startup-config (Formats) - configuration file for l2tpns


startup-config - configuration file for l2tpns




startup-config is the configuration file for l2tpns.

The format is plain text, in the same format as accepted by the configuration mode of l2tpns's telnet administrative interface. Comments are indicated by either the character # or !.


Settings are specified with

set variable value

The following variables may be set:

Set the level of debugging messages written to the log file. The value should be between 0 and 5, with 0 being no debugging, and 5 being the highest.
This will be where all logging and debugging information is written to. This may be either a filename, such as /var/log/l2tpns, or the string syslog:facility, where facility is any one of the syslog logging facilities, such as local5.
If set, the process id will be written to the specified file. The value must be an absolute path.
Path to random data source (default /dev/urandom). Use "" to use the rand() library function.
The secret used by l2tpns for authenticating tunnel request. Must be the same as the LAC, or authentication will fail. Only actually be used if the LAC requests authentication.
MTU of interface for L2TP traffic (default: 1500). Used to set link MRU and adjust TCP MSS.
Restart timer for PPP protocol negotiation in seconds (default: 3).
Number of configure requests to send before giving up (default: 10).
Number of Configure-Nak requests to send before sending a Configure-Reject (default: 5).
primary_dns, secondary_dns
Whenever a PPP connection is established, DNS servers will be sent to the user, both a primary and a secondary. If either is set to, then that one will not be sent.
primary_radius, secondary_radius
Sets the RADIUS servers used for both authentication and accounting. If the primary server does not respond, then the secondary RADIUS server will be tried.
primary_radius_port, secondary_radius_port
Sets the authentication ports for the primary and secondary RADIUS servers. The accounting port is one more than the authentication port. If no ports are given, authentication defaults to 1645, and accounting to 1646.
If set to true, then RADIUS accounting packets will be sent. A Start record will be sent when the session is successfully authenticated, and a Stop record when the session is closed.
If radius_accounting is on, defines the interval between sending of RADIUS interim accounting records (in seconds).
Secret to be used in RADIUS packets.
A comma separated list of supported RADIUS authentication methods ("pap" or "chap"), in order of preference (default "pap").
Port for DAE RADIUS (Packet of Death/Disconnect, Change of Authorization) requests (default: 3799).
Allow multiple logins with the same username. If false (the default), any prior session with the same username will be dropped when a new session is established.
When the tun interface is created, it is assigned the address specified here. If no address is given, is used. Packets containing user traffic should be routed via this address if given, otherwise the primary address of the machine.
Address to send to clients as the default gateway.
Determines whether or not to send a gratuitous ARP for the bind_address when the server is ready to handle traffic (default: true). This setting is ignored if BGP is configured.
Sets the default speed (in kbits/s) which sessions will be limited to.
Number of token buckets to allocate for throttling. Each throttled session requires two buckets (in and out).
If set to a directory, then every 5 minutes the current usage for every connected use will be dumped to a file in this directory.
After starting up and binding the interface, change UID to this. This doesn't work properly.
If set to true, then the current bandwidth utilization will be logged every second. Even if this is disabled, you can see this information by running the uptime command on the CLI.
Number of packets to read off each of the UDP and TUN fds when returned as readable by select (default: 10). Avoids incurring the unnecessary system call overhead of select on busy servers.
Sets the scheduling policy for the l2tpns process to SCHED_FIFO. This causes the kernel to immediately preempt any currently running SCHED_OTHER (normal) process in favour of l2tpns when it becomes runnable.

Ignored on uniprocessor systems.
Keep all pages mapped by the l2tpns process in memory.
Maximum number of host unreachable ICMP packets to send per second.
Maximum number of packets of downstream traffic to be handled each tenth of a second per session. If zero, no limit is applied (default: 0). Intended as a DoS prevention mechanism and not a general throttling control (packets are dropped, not queued).
Multicast cluster address (default:
Interface for cluster packets (default: eth0).
TTL for multicast packets (default: 1).
Interval in tenths of a second between cluster heartbeat/pings.
Cluster heartbeat timeout in tenths of a second. A new master will be elected when this interval has been passed without seeing a heartbeat from the master.
Determines the minumum number of up to date slaves required before the master will drop routes (default: 1).
Enable negotiation of IPv6. This forms the the first 64 bits of the client allocated address. The remaining 64 come from the allocated IPv4 address and 4 bytes of 0s.


The routing configuration section is entered by the command

router bgp as

where as specifies the local AS number.

Subsequent lines prefixed with neighbour peer define the attributes of BGP neighhbours. Valid commands are:

neighbour peer remote-as as

neighbour peer timers keepalive hold

Where peer specifies the BGP neighbour as either a hostname or IP address, as is the remote AS number and keepalive, hold are the timer values in seconds.


Named access lists may be defined with either of

ip access-list standard name

ip access-list extended name

Subsequent lines starting with permit or deny define the body of the access-list.

Standard Access Lists Standard access lists are defined with:

{permit|deny} source [dest]

Where source and dest specify IP matches using one of:

address wildard

host address


address and wildard are in dotted-quad notation, bits in the wildard indicate which address bits in address are relevant to the match (0 = exact match; 1 = don't care).

The shorthand 'host address' is equivalent to 'address'; 'any' to ''.

Extended Access Lists Extended access lists are defined with:

{permit|deny} proto source [ports] dest [ports] [flags]

Where proto is one of ip, tcp or udp, and source and dest are as described above for standard lists.

For TCP and UDP matches, source and destination may be optionally followed by a ports specification:

{eq|neq|gt|lt} port

range from to

flags may be one of: {match-any|match-all} {+|-}{fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg} ...

Match packets with any or all of the tcp flags set (+) or clear (-). established

Match "established" TCP connections: packets with RST or ACK set, and SYN clear. fragments

Match IP fragments. May not be specified on rules with layer 4 matches.