man systemimager-rsyncd.conf (Formats) - the rsyncd.conf file associated with SystemImager


systemimager-rsyncd.conf - the rsyncd.conf file associated with SystemImager


SystemImager uses rsync running as a daemon on the Image Server in order to function. The rsyncd.conf file is very similar to a vanilla rsyncd.conf file, however certain modules are required for SystemImager to properly function.

This file is automatically generated by the mkrsyncd_conf command from stub files in /etc/systemimager/rsync_stubs. Do not make any changes to this file directly. Instead, create an appropriate file in /etc/systemimager/rsync_stubs, as described by the mkrsyncd_conf man page.


The following stanzas are required in this file for it to function properly.

  list = yes
  timeout = 600
  dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.Z *.ZIP *.bz2 *.deb *.rpm *.dbf
  uid = root
  gid = root
  use chroot = yes
  log file = /var/log/systemimager/rsyncd

The 'dont compress' stanza may include other types of files as well. If you have a list of file extensions that you believe should be included please send them to


SystemImager uses the concept of rsync modules very heavily for image propagation. The following modules are required for SystemImager to function properly.

The scripts module must be defined so that the autoinstall clients can fetch their autoinstall scripts during install. The path for scripts should be set to the same value as AUTOINSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR is set to in systemimager.conf.
The boot module, must be setup for the autoinstall process to work properly. The path for boot should be AUTOINSTALL_BOOT_DIR followed by the specific boot directory. For example:
  path = /usr/local/share/systemimager/boot
In addition to the two required modules specified about, there also needs to be a module for every image that you want available for installation from your Image Server. The path entry for the image should be DEFAULT_IMAGE_DIR from the systemimager.conf file, with the image's directory appended to the end. For example:
  path = /var/lib/systemimager/images/rh71image
  path = /var/lib/systemimager/images/deb22image
  path = /var/lib/systemimager/images/mdk81image


When this file is autogenerated, it should take into account customizations to systemimager.conf, and the autoinstallscripts, so that there is no unique information in this file.


The SystemImager Manual, BIrsyncd.conf(5), BIsystemimager.conf(5)


This man page created by Sean Dague (