man yagi (Formats) - yagi binary output format
yagi - yagi binary output format
This manual page describes the output format of the file created by the Yagi-Uda project's yagi program. The file is a binary file with a header of 100 bytes. The header consists of:
offset(bytes) information data-type
0 elements int 4 driven int 8 parasitic int 12 min_frequency double 20 max_frequency double 28 design frequency double 36 step_frequency double 44 angular_step double 52 0 double 92 0 double
Following the header, there starts the coordinates(x,y,l) of each element and the voltage applied to each element. Then we write the element currents one after the other, at each frequency. Hence the element currents will be written 12,000 times with a 3 element yagi analysed at 4,000 different frequencies. All complex data is stored in a structure of type fcomplex, defined as:
struct fcomplex {double real, double imaginary};
offset(bytes) information data-type
100 x1 double /* coordinates */ 108 y1 double 116 l1 double 100+(n-1)*24 x_n double 100+(n-1)*24+8 y_n double 100+(n-1)*24+16 l_n double 100+24*elements Voltage1 fcomplex /* voltage */ 100+24*elements+(n-1)*16 Voltage_n fcomplex 100+40*elements Current1@f1 fcomplex /* current */ 100+40*elements+(n-1)*16 Current_n@f1 fcomplex
100+56*elements Current@f2 fcomplex 100+40*elements+(n-1)*16 Current_n@f2 fcomplex
filename.out binary file
Dr. David Kirkby G8WRB (, with help with converting to DOS from Dr. Joe Mack NA3T (