man pytris (Jeux) - two players console tetris game


pytris - two players console tetris game


pytris [options] hostname otherport myport


pytris [options] -1|2 hostname

myport is port your game listens to, otherport is port your opponent listens to.


pytris is a networked two player console tetris game. During the game there are following keys available:

u, left arrow - move to the left

o, right arrow - move to the right

i, up arrow - rotate

m, down arrow - move down faster

x - flip (horizontally) piece (only if flipping was allowed with --flip )

space - drop


When invoked without any arguments, pytris will be one player game, identical in style to classical tetris.

-h, --help
Show summary of options.
-v, --version
Show version of program.
-a n, --ascii-chars=n
if n=0, do not use ascii characters to draw pieces
-c n, --colour=n
if n=0, do not use colour
-r n, --inverse=n
if n=1, use reverse colour
-x n, --vsize=n
set vertical size to n
-y n, --hsize=n
set horizontal size to n
set horizontal zoom
set vertical zoom
-p name, --pieces=name
select type of falling pieces, name is one of: tritris tetris pentris simple extended crazy tetris is probably what you want (the original tetris pieces)
if n=0, do not beep at the end of game default: do beep
if n=0, do not allow flipping (default) if n=1, x flips horizontally if n=2, x flips vertically
show n next pieces (default 0)
only display high score table for given command line parameters
-n n, --nlevel=n
select network level, 1<=n<=3 the bigger level, the more information is transferred

--nlevel=3 is most complete, each movement is transferred to the opponent. This is what you want, if your network connection allows it.

--nlevel=2 transfers the game situation only when a piece gets to the bottom. This needs much less bandwidth than --nlevel=3, and yet does not impair playability too much.

--nlevel=1 transfers only changes in window size. Use on poor networks, as a last resort.

-w n, --wait=n
if n=0, do not wait for your opponent to start game
if n=1, act as a (completely dumb) robot
if n=0, new piece is appearing gradually from the top. if n=1, new piece appears as a whole at the top.
if n=0, do not show shadow if n=1, show black shadow (default) if n=2, show nice colourful shadow
push screen by n lines down when you complete a line. Default n=1. Could be used to balance a weak player against stronger one, by setting his/her/its (weak's) --pushing to more than 1.
set myport 5634, otherport 5635
set myport 5635, otherport 5634


You are logged in host1, your opponent in host2. You run

pytris host2 5635 5634

your opponent has to run

pytris host1 5634 5635

(or other port numbers, but notice he/she/it has them in reverse order to you)

To faciliate running the game, you can use default port. As player number 1, type:

pytris -1 host2

player number 2 types:

pytris -2 host1

The game does not require that both players have the same size of playfield. If however they have not, the behaviour is undefined (most probably the game will crash).

The game also does not require that both players have other options the same. If they do not have, it could be used to discriminate better players.

You can reconnect to an already running game, if you use the --wait=0 option

Using negative value for --pushing can produce an interesting gameplay experience.




Radovan Garabik <>