man trek (Jeux) - trek


trek - trekkie game




is a game of space glory and war. Below is a summary of commands. For complete documentation, see by Eric Allman.

If a filename is given, a log of the game is written onto that file. If the -a flag is given before the filename, that file is appended to, not truncated.

The game will ask you what length game you would like. Valid responses are and You may also type which restarts a previously saved game. You will then be prompted for the skill, to which you must respond or You should normally start out with a novice and work up.

In general, throughout the game, if you forget what is appropriate the game will tell you what it expects if you just type in a question mark.


Eric Allman




ca Ns pture
cl Ns oak u Ns p/ Ns d Ns own
c Ns omputer request; ...
da Ns mages
do Ns ck
i Ns mpulse course distance
l Ns rscan
m Ns ove course distance
p Ns hasers a Ns utomatic amount
p Ns hasers m Ns anual amt1 course1 spread1 ...
t Ns orpedo course [y Ns es]
ram No course distance
r Ns est time
sh Ns ields u Ns p/ Ns d Ns own
s Ns rscan [y Ns es/ n Ns o]
st Ns atus
terminate y Ns es/ Ns n Ns o
u Ns ndock
v Ns isual course
w Ns arp warp_factor