man wmMand (Jeux) - Dockable Mandelbrot browser


wmMand - Dockable Mandelbrot browser


wmMand [-h] [-zoom <factor>] [-display <Display>]


wmMand is a dockable Mandelbrot fractal browser or explorer. The window initially comes up with the whole Mandelbrot set in view. The mouse buttons can be used to zoom into or out of the set. Use the left mouse button to zoom in, and the right button to zoom out.

Pressing the middle mouse button brings up a button bar that allows the user to change color tables (button 'C'), change the maximum number of iterations (the button with numbers in it), reset to initial view (button 'R'), and show a larger version of the image with imagemagick's "display" (button 'I').

A higher number of iterations will allow you to look deeper in the fractal. However, if you feel yourself limited by wmMand, check out the 'xaos' program by Jan Hubicka.


Display list of command-line options.
-zoom <factor>
Set zoom factor. Default is 1.1.
-display <display>
Use an alternate X display.


Let me know if/when you find any.


Michael G. Henderson <>, 15 February 1999