man amdd (Administration système) - AMANDA version of dd


amdd - AMANDA version of dd


amdd [-d] [if=input] [of=output] [bs=blocksize] [skip=count] [count=count]


Amdd provides just enough of the standard UNIX dd command for the needs of AMANDA. This is handy when doing a full restore and the standard dd program has not yet been found.

Amdd also provides access to the AMANDA output drivers that support various tape simulations. This may be used for debugging or to convert from one format to another.

See the amanda(8) man page for more details about AMANDA. See the OUTPUT DRIVERS section of amanda(8) for more information on the AMANDA output drivers.


Turn on debugging output.
Set the output length. If the output driver limits the output size, this controls when end of tape will be simulated.

Length may have a multiplier suffix:

k -> 1024 (Kilobytes) b -> 512 (Blocks) M -> 1024*1024 (Megabytes)

The default is no multiplier (bytes).

Input to dd. Default is stdin.
Where to send the output of dd. Default is stdout.
Size of each record. Input records smaller than this will not be padded. Output records will be the same size as the corresponding input record. Default is 512 bytes.

Blocksize may have a multiplier suffix:

k -> 1024 (Kilobytes) b -> 512 (Blocks) M -> 1024*1024 (Megabytes)

The default is no multiplier (bytes).

Number of records to copy. Default is all records until end of file.
Number of records to skip before copying input to output. Default is zero.


Marc Mengel <>, John R. Jackson <> : Original text

Stefan G. Weichinger, <>, maintainer of the AMANDA-documentation: XML-conversion