man AutomatedBastille (Administration système) - automatically install a profiled Bastille configuration


AutomatedBastille - automatically install a profiled Bastille configuration




This manual page briefly documents AutomatedBastille.

This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

AutomatedBastille installs a profile configuration file and calls BastilleBackEnd in order to put all the selected security measures in place. The profile is not adapted to your system; use BastilleChooser if you wish to do that.


AutomatedBastille uses the following options:

Verbose mode. Actions are printed to the logs and to STDOUT.
Log-only mode. No action is taken; merely logs what changes would have been made.
All the filenames are prefixed with PREFIX (/etc/whatever becomes /PREFIX/etc/whatever). This option could be used to commit changes to NFS filesystems, or file systems with a different mount point than the current root (/) filesystem.


/etc/Bastille/config Configuration file which defines all the security measures selected by the administrator to be enabled. /var/log/Bastille/action-log

/var/log/Bastille/error-log Logs that hold information of actions taken on the system.


bastille(7), InteractiveBastille(8), BastilleBackEnd(8), RevertBastille(8), BastilleChooser(8).

The programs have more documentation available at /usr/share/doc/bastille on Debian systems.


This manual page was written by Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used on other systems).

Bastille was primarily written by Jay Beale, and is licensed under the GNU General Public License