man bayonne (Administration système) - launch bayonne telephony server.


bayonne - launch bayonne telephony server.


bayonne [--foreground, -F] [--daemon, -D] [--driver, -d dsoname] [--priority, -p pri] [--node, -n name] [--test, -t] [--trace, -T]


The bayonne is launched directly and then dynamically loads all modular plugins that have been requested in the bayonne.conf file. The server will then initialize the chosen telephony plugin device and wait to answer telephone calls. Service requests can be made thru the bayonne fifo interface or via any loaded dso based protocol module. Various options may be given at startup to change bayonne behavior.


-F, --foreground
Execute bayonne server in foreground. All logging messages appear on stderr.
-D, --background
Detach and execute server as daemon. The server will run in the background as a deamon process and will log all activity through syslog.
-d, --driver name
Override the bayonne.conf file and select a specific dso telephony driver to load and execute.
-p, --priority level
Specify the process priority level for the server. This has the same effect as using nice.
-n, --node name
Specify a node name for the management system. The defualt is to use your hostname.
-t, --test
Specify debugging level to use when logging errors and events. This may only be used from the "build" directory prior to a "make install".
-T, --trace
Load the dso "trace.dbg" module and run the server in foreground. This is useful when testing the server in it's runtime configuration.
-G, --gui
Enable gui support and gui debugging on the local X server. This provides a graphical user interface for monitoring the server.
-X, --display
Enable gui support on a selected X display server. The server may need to have the Bayonne host enabled in xhost. This provides remote graphical debugging of a Bayonne server.


David Sugar (