man dbmail-maintenance (Administration système) - dbmail-maintenance - Does a cleanup and integrity check of the Dbmail mailsystem


dbmail-maintenance - Does a cleanup and integrity check of the Dbmail mailsystem


dbmail-maintenance [-ciflphd]


The dbmail-maintenance program does a global database cleanup and integrity check. All messages that are set for deletion will be marked for final deletion (status 3). All message that are marked for final deletion will be cleared from the database. The integrity check will check for unconnected messageblocks, unconnected messages and unconnected mailboxes.


performs internal cleaning-up on the tables
checks integrity
checks integrity and tries to fix problems
clean up IP-log (used when IMAP/POP-before-SMTP is on) timespan may contain hours, minutes or both. Every IP number logged before the current date/time minus this timespan will be removed from the table. The format for timespan is <n>h<m>m with n the number of hours and m the number of minutes.
purge messages have the DELETE status set
show short help message then exit
set DELETE status for deleted messages


Errors and notifications are send to the trace output as set in the Dbmail configfile.


No known bugs.


Dbmail and it's components are (c) IC&S and distributed under the GPL.


Eelco van Beek, Roel Rozendaal
Koningsweg 4
3582 GE Utrecht