man diskutil (Administration système) - Administers quorum partitions in a cluster.


diskutil - Administers quorum partitions in a cluster.


diskutil -I | -p | -t


The diskutil utility enables you to administer the quorum partitions in a cluster.


You can specify the following diskutil options:

Initializes the quorum partitions. The -I option deletes any cluster database and cluster state information from the quorum partitions. Therefore, only invoke diskutil -I when you want to initialize the quorum partitions as part of the cluster software installation procedure. Do not invoke diskutil -I on a running cluster.
Displays a summary of the header data structure for the quorum partitions. You can check if the quorum partitions are mapped to the same physical disk on both cluster systems by invoking diskutil -p on each system and ensuring that the output is identical. If the output is not identical, the quorum partitions may not be set up correctly.

For example:

# diskutil -p

----- Shared State Header ------

Magic# = 0x39119fcd

Version = 1

Updated on Fri Aug 18 15:55:53 2000

Updated by node 1


Verifies that the cluster system can read information from the quorum partitions. When you invoke diskutil -t, the cluster system identifies the quorum partition devices and then attempts to read information from both partitions. The read is successful if the system determines that the data is a valid set of initialized cluster state information. If the read is not successful, the quorum partitions may not be set up correctly.

For example:

# diskutil -t

Successfully verified that the quorum partitions are accessible.

Note that other diskutil options are only for development, and should not be used.


See the cluster Installation and Administration manual for more information.