man divaload (Administration système) - configure Eicon Diva active ISDN card


divaload - configure Eicon Diva active ISDN card


divaload controller protocol [options]


divaload is used to setup the Eicon Diva card for the proper configuration.


selects the controller (card). This can be either:

-c n

where n is the controller number, or


to operate on all cards.
can be one of the following:
  -f 1TR6     Germany, old protocol for PABX................ PRI & BRI
  -f ETSI     DSS1, Europe (Germany, ...)................... PRI & BRI
  -f FRANC    VN3, France, old protocol for PABX............ PRI & BRI
  -f BELG     NET3, Belgien, old protocol for PABX.......... PRI & BRI
  -f SWED     DSS1 with CRC4 off, Sweden, Benelux........... PRI
  -f NI       NI1, NI2, North America, National ISDN........ PRI & BRI
  -f 5ESS     5ESS, North America, AT&T..................... PRI & BRI
  -f JAPAN    Japan, INS-NET64.............................. PRI & BRI
  -f ATEL     ATEL, Australia, old TPH1962.................. PRI & BRI
  -f US       North America, Auto Detect....................       BRI
  -f ITALY    DSS1, Italy................................... PRI & BRI
  -f TWAN     DSS1, Taiwan.................................. PRI & BRI
  -f AUSTRAL  Australia, Microlink (TPH1962), On Ramp ETSI.. PRI & BRI
  -f 4ESS_SDN 4ESS Software Defined Network................. PRI
  -f 4ESS_SDS 4ESS Switched Digital Service................. PRI
  -f 4ESS_LDS 4ESS Long Distance Service.................... PRI
  -f 4ESS_MGC 4ESS Megacom.................................. PRI
  -f 4ESS_MGI 4ESS Megacom International.................... PRI
  -f HONGKONG Hongkong...................................... PRI & BRI
  -f RBSCAS   Robbed Bit Signaling, CAS..................... PRI
  -f QSIG     QSIG, Intra PABX link protocol................ PRI & BRI

The following options may be given to divaload.

-e [1,2,3]
set Layer 1 framing on PRI Adapter

1 - doubleframing (NO CRC4)

2 - multiframing (CRC4)

3 - autodetection

set PRI Adapter in NT mode; default mode is TE
set PRI Adapter in High Impedance state until first user application does request interface activation
-l [1...30]
set starting channel number on PRI Adapter. By default the allocation of channels is made on a high-to-low basis. By specifying -l you select a low-to-high allocation policy (in addition)
-q [0..3]
select QSIG options

0 - CR and CHI 2 Bytes long (default)

1 - CR 1 byte, CHI 2 bytes

2 - CR is 2 bytes, CHI is 1 byte

3 - CR and CHI 1 byte

(CR - Call Reference, CHI - B-Channel Ident.)

-n [0...20]
select NT2 mode and default length of DIDN (DIDN - Direct Inward Dial Number)
turn off order checking of information elements
-p [1,2]
establish a permanent connection (e.g. leased line configuration)

1 - TE <-> TE mode, structured line

2 - NT <-> TE mode, raw line

-s [0,1,2,3]
D-Channel Layer 2 activation policy on BRI Adapter

0 - On demand

1 - Deactivation only by NT side, preferred, default

2 - Always active

3 - Always active, mode 2

-t [0...63]
specifies a fixed TEI value (Default is a automatic TEI assignment)
select point to point mode on BRI Adapter; uses default TEI '0', NT2 mode is on
BRI Adapter B-Channel options Specify the Originating Address (OAD), Originating Sub-address (OSA) and/or Service Profile Identifier (SPID) for each B-channel (1 or 2 by BRI, 1...8 by 4BRI)

Example: -1oad 123456 -1spid 1234560001
display protocol options summary
select alternative protocol code directory.

default directory: "/usr/share/isdn"
-h or -? help


manpage written from -h output by Paul Slootman <>.