man fcopy (Administration système) - copy files using classes


fcopy - copy files using classes


fcopy [options] SOURCE...


Copy a file from SOURCE to its target using classes. It also sets permission modes, owner and group. Each SOURCE argument is a directory which contains one or more template files for the source file to copy. Depending on the list of defined classes, one file of the source directory is selected and copied to the target. The target filename is the name of the source directory.

The exit code returned by fcopy is 0 if all files are copied successfully and >0 if an error occurs. For every successfully copied file, a log message is printed to standard output.


Options -c, -s, -t (or their analog variables) and a SOURCE are required.
Remove backup files with suffix .pre_fcopy. You can also set the environment variable FCOPY_NOBACKUP to 1.
-b dir
Don't copy files to file.pre_fcopy, but use hierarchy under "dir" instead. The same effect is achieved by setting environment variable FAI_BACKUPDIR.
-c class[,class]
Define classes. Multiple classes must be comma separated. If not specified, use the shell environment variable $classes (space separated). The first class has lowest priority.
-C file
Read classes from file. Lines can contain multiple classes which are space separated. Lines starting with # are comments.
Delete target file if no class applies.
Create debugging output.
-F file
Read list of sources from file. One SOURCE per line.
Show help, version and summary of options.
Ignore warnings about no matching class and always exit with 0.
-I dir[,dir]
Override list of ignored directories when recursing. If not given, it is taken from $FCOPY_IGNOREDIRS and as a last chance an internal list of known revision control system's metadata is used (CVS, .cvs, {arch}, .arch-ids).
Do not copy if destination is a symbolic link
-L file
Log SOURCE and used class to file. Output format is


where COMMENT gives some information about why the file has been preserved (especially useful in combination with -P). If not specified and $LOGDIR is set, use $LOGDIR/fcopy.log.
-m user,group,mode
Set user, group and mode for all copied files (mode as octal number, user and group numeric id or name). If not specified, use file file-modes or data of source file.
Use default values for user, group and mode. This is equal to -m root,root,0644
Print the commands, but do not execute them. This is like --dry-run in other programs. You can enable it for all calls of fcopy by setting the environment variable $FCOPY_DRYRUN.
-P plog,changes
Don't compare files literally, but use information from files plog and changes: A file is overwritten when either another class applies (plog is a log generated with -L in the previous run, so it now contains the necessary information) or the version of SOURCE for the used class has changed (changes is checked for the appearance of the version itself, the file-modes and the postinst of the particular SOURCE) changes is a file specifying line by line in the last column which files have been changed, path has to be relative to $FAI, i.e. should begin with 'files/'. This way, the logfile from cvs checkout could be used directly. If not given, $FCOPY_LASTLOG and $FCOPY_UPDATELOG are used for plog and changes.
Copy recursively (traverse down the tree). Copy all files below SOURCE. These are all subdirectory leaves in the SOURCE tree. Ignore "ignored" directories (see "-I" for details).
-s source_dir
Look for SOURCE files relative to source_dir. Use $FAI/files if not specified.
-t target_dir
Copy files relative to target_dir. Use $FAI_ROOT if not specified.
If in softupdate mode skip this entire fcopy command.
Create verbose output.


If a file 'preinst' exists and is executable, it is used in the following way:
a temporary copy of the file for the used class is created
preinst is called with the used class and the full pathname to this temporary copy (you can do in-place substitutions or other modifications on this copy)
the copy is compared to the destination and replaces it only if there are any differences
If a file 'postinst' exists and is executable, it is called after successfully having copied the file with the class being used and the full pathname to the target file. The variable ROOTCMD is set, so you can prepend it to commands which should be executed in the newly installed system.


Suppose the source directory /files/etc/X11/XF86Config consists of the following files:

CAD DEFAULT LAB MACH64 server1 faifoo file-modes postinst

Each file is an instance of a XF86Config file for a different xserver configuration except file-modes, which holds the file creation data. The command

# fcopy -s /files -t /tmp/target /etc/X11/XF86Config

copies one of these files from the directory /files/etc/X11/XF86Config to the file /tmp/target/etc/XF86Config. For all defined classes, fcopy looks if a corresponding file exists. The class with the highest priority will be used for copying. Here are examples of defined classes and the file which will be copied by fcopy.

      Defined classes	File used for copy


In FAI (look at SEE ALSO) the list of defined classes starts with DEFAULT and the last class is the hostname. So DEFAULT is only used when no file for another class exists. If a file is equal to the hostname, this will be used, since hostname should always be the last class.

User, group and permissions for the files can be defined in several ways. Option -m has the highest priority and will be used for all files, if specified. The file file-modes in the source directory can contain one line for each class. The space separated parameters are:

owner group mode class

where owner and group can be specified by numeric id or by name. The file permissions are defined by mode, which must be octal. If class is missing, the data is used for all other classes, for which no data is defined. If neither -m or file-modes data is available, the user, group and mode of the source file will be used for the target file.

Missing subdirectories for the target file are created with mode 0755. If the destination file already exists and is different from the source file, the suffix .pre_fcopy is appended to the old version of the target file. If source and target files are equal, no copy is performed. A copied file gets the same access and modification time as the source file, not the time of the copy. If also the file postinst exists, it will be executed after the file was copied.


Do not create a file DEFAULT if no reasonable default configuration file can be used. It's better to exit with an error than to copy a wrong configuration file.

This command can also be used to maintain your configuration files on a huge number of hosts.


This program is part of FAI (Fully Automatic Installation). See the FAI manual for more information on how to use fcopy. The FAI homepage is


Thomas Lange <>