man gulm_tool (Administration système) - Interface to Grand Unified Lock Manager


gulm_tool - Interface to Grand Unified Lock Manager


gulm_tool command [options]


gulm_tool is an interface to a variety of options available to running servers.

The second parameter for most commands is the hostname or IP of the server followed by the port at which it runs. Keep in mind that in the simplest setup, there are three servers running on a host. For this, there is a short hand for the default server ports. So you can use "core", "ltpx", and "lt000" through "lt256" for the port value instead of the actual number. If you are using different ports for the lock_gulmd servers, you will need to use the numbers. If you don't specify the port, "core" is assumed.


Commands that only core understands

shutdown server:core This command is use to stop a gulm server cleanly. This can only be sent to the "core" port.

The use of this command is the proper way to shutdown gulm servers. It is preferred over the use of SIGTERM. Any other method will result in a fencing action against the server node.

nodelist server:core Get a list of the nodes currently logged into the master server.

nodeinfo server:core node name Get information for a single node.

servicelist server:core Get list of services connected to this node.

foreceexpire server:core node name Force the node to move into the Expired State. This will cause the node to be fenced.

Commands that can be sent to any server

getstats server:port This gets a list of whatever statistics the specified server carries.

setverb server:port verbose_flags Sets which types of messages can be logged.

verbose flags is a comma separated list of the possible flags. If a flag is prefixed with a '-', it is unset, other wise it is set. The special flag 'clear' unsets all verbosity flags. Any flag that is not recognized is ignored.

The verbosity flags for gulm:

l l. Network Basic network related messages Network2 T{ More specific network messages T} Network3 A debug message for nearly every packet Fencing T{ When calling out to the fencing sub-system T} Heartbeat T{ Every heartbeat sent and received T} Locking T{ Various internal informational messages about the locks T} Forking T{ Anytime a child processes is spawned T} ServerState T{ Print out a message when ever the server changes state, saying what state it is now in. T} JIDMap T{ Details of each JID Mapping request T} LockUpdates T{ Lock requests sent to slaves T} LoginLoops T{ Messages related to searching for and becoming the Master T}

ReallyAll All messages above Default same as -v "Network,Fencing,Forking" All T{ same as -v "ReallyAll,-Network3,-LockUpdates" T}

Since Network3, and LockUpdates are so verbose, and rarely needed, they are excluded from the 'All' flag.

Do not use ReallyAll unless you are willing to deal with 100M and larger log files. A loaded system can produce up to a megabyte a minute with the ReallyAll flag.

Commands that only gulm_tool understands

version or -V Print out the version information of this program.

--help or -h Print out the commands with brief descriptions.

SEE ALSO lock_gulmd(8)