man mbexamine (Administration système) - examine a cyrus-format mailbox


mbexamine - examine a cyrus-format mailbox


mbexamine [ -C config-file ] [ -u uid ] mailbox...

mbexamine [ -C config-file ] [ -s seqnum ] mailbox...


Mbexamine will examine the header, index, and cache files of a cyrus format mailbox and dump the information contained therein. It can also limit its output to a specific uid or sequence number, through use of the -s and -u switches. Mbexamine reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. It uses the mboxlist database to locate the mailbox on disk.


-C config-file
Read configuration options from config-file.
Dump information for the given sequence number only.
Dump information for the given uid only.

