man mkaliases (Administration système) - build the aliases database for smail from the ASCII source file


mkaliases - build the aliases database for smail from the ASCII source file




Mkaliases reads the ASCII source file for an aliases database and builds the aliases database according to the configuration information in /build/buildd/smail- Run this program whenever changes have been made to the ASCII source file. If this program is not used, smail may not notice the changes that have been made. /usr/sbin/newaliases is another name for the mkaliases program and is retained for compatibility with BSD sendmail(8) configurations. }

The aliases database can be in a dbm(3X) database, a sorted text file, or a plain text file. In the latter case, the ASCII source file doubles as the database file. In the case of an aliases database accessed through the Sun YP service, mkdbm(8) or the sun makedbm(8) program must be used to build the YP database. See the Smail Administration Guide (as yet unwritten) for more information on interfacing smail to the YP service.

The mkline(8) program, distributed with smail, is used to remove comments and regularize the aliases file. Then, for sorted databases, the mksort(8) program, with the -f option, is used to create the sorted database. For dbm databases, the mkdbm(8) program, again with the -f option, is used to create the database. In either case, care is taken to ensure that smail never uses a truncated or partially built database. For plain text databases, a summary of the contents is displayed, but no changes are actually made. If the aliases file is accessed through the YP service, a messages is displayed stating this and no changes are actually made.


The name of the aliases database. This is a
The file giving the default configuration for smail.


mkline(8), mksort(8), mkdbm(8), smail(5), smail(8), ypclnt(3), and dbm(3X).


Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Ronald S. Karr and Landon Curt Noll

Copyright (C) 1992 Ronald S. Karr

See a file COPYING, distributed with the source code, or type smail -bc, to view distribution rights and restrictions associated with this software.