man rpc.ugidd (Administration système) - uid/gid mapping daemons


ugidd - uid/gid mapping daemons


/usr/sbin/rpc.ugidd [ -P port ]


ugidd starts a daemon that handles rpc requests to map uid/gids to string names and vice versa. It is called by the nfsd(8) server when the client and server do not share the same passwd file.

This version allows you to restrict access to the server through the hosts_access(5) files when compiled with the -DHOSTS_ACCESS option. Otherwise, ugidd could be used by anyone in the Internet to obtain a list of all valid usernames on the client machine. For instance, to restrict access to hosts on your class C IP network, you could add the following lines to hosts.allow and hosts.deny:

"# /etc/hosts.allow
"rpc.ugidd: 192.168.1.
"# /etc/hosts.deny
"rpc.ugidd: ALL


-P portnum or --port portnum
Makes ugidd listen on port portnum instead of some random port. By default, ugidd will listen on some arbitrary port number below 1024.



The rpc program number is legal in that it lies in the 0x20000000 to 0x3fffffff ``Defined by user'' range, but is completely arbitrary.