man update-cluster-maccollect (Administration système) - collects mac addresses and generates output


update-cluster-maccollect - collects mac addresses and generates output


update-cluster-maccollect [entry] ... < input-filename


update-cluster-maccollect listens to the network interface, and collects MAC addresses. It will auto-generates a list of hostnames and IPs by the information, to generate a list of hosts which were sending packets to the network.

Useful for creating a template for list of nodes in the LAN automatically.


--prefix [pc]

Sets the hostname prefix to be pc. Every generated hostname will be in the form of pcXX, where XX is a numeral.

--ipprefix [192.168.0.]

Network IP prefix. A number will be appended.

--ipstart [2]

Start value for IP. Default is 2.

--hoststart [2]

Start value for the numeric part of hostname. Default is 2.

--domainsuffix []

Specify a domain name to use. Start with a period.

The default is .cluster. It is possible to suppress the domain part by specifying --domainsuffix " " " "

--interface [eth0]

Network interface to listen to. MAC addresses are collected from packets that are received on that interface.

--clusterxml [clusterml]

Specifies the cluster.xml file to use instead of the default.


update-cluster-maccollect --domainsuffix --prefix machine --interface eth0 --ipstart 1 --hoststart 1
Collect MAC addresses on interface eth0.


Only really supports network with less than 256 hosts. Only really supports IPv4 networks. Assumes a lot of things.


Written by Junichi Uekawa <>, <>, <> for Debian Project.


update-cluster-add (8), update-cluster-remove (1), update-cluster-regenerate (8), tcpdump (8)