man wipld (Administration système) - Daemon program to collect statistics.


wipld - Daemon program to collect statistics.


wipld [ -b ] [ -c configfile ]


This program creates a shared memory area which contains a table indexed by MAC or IP addresses. Each index in the table contains a number of counters.


-b --debug
Do not fork into the background and print output both to the logfile and to stdout.
-c file --config file
Use the specified configuration file instead of the default.


The configuration file should contain different sections which are described below.


In the [counters] section of the configuration file you simply list the names of the counters you want to maintain for each IP or MAC address, one pr. line. For example:


This will declare the two counters Send and Recv an give them the counter numbers 0 and 1 respectively.


In the [options] section of the configuration file several different options can be stated in the format:

option: value

The valid options are:

addrmode The value for this option should either be mac or ip. The option indicates if the daemon should run in MAC or IP based addressing mode. That is, if the table maintained by the daemon should be indexed by MAC or IP address.

user Tells the wipld daemon to drop superuser privileges and become the specified user as soon as the interface is opened. value can be both a username or a numerical uid.

group Tells the wipld daemon to drop superuser privileges and become part of the specified group as soon as the interface is opened. value can be both a group name or a numerical gid.

logfile This sets the name of the logfile. The file is reopened when the daemon receives a HUP signal. If the file does not exists it is created with the permission of the daemon as specified by the user and group options.

logaddrchange If this is set to a non-zero value an entry is written to the logfile every time an IP/MAC address is changed for an entry in the table.

logbadpackets If this is set to a non-zero value it is logged when an invalid IP packet is seen.

logtablefull If this is set to a non-zero value it is logged when the least recently lookuped entry is deleted from the table maintained by the daemon as described in the maxentries option.

promiscmode If this is set to 0 the network interface is not put into promiscuous mode.

maxentries The maximal number of entries in the table maintained by the daemon. If more entries are tried created the least recently lookuped entry will be erased. This number is needed because the shared memory area maintained by the daemon has a fixed size.

netdev The network device to get packages from. If this option is not present the daemon will try to find an appropriate device.

filter This is an expression that will determine which packets the daemon will see. The expression should have a format as given to the popular tcpdump(8) program. The filter has two purposes: First, you can use it to prevent the program in the [program] section from seeing some packages. Second, you might get a significant performance increase if you filter away the packets you are ignoring.

pidfile To this the process id of the daemon will be written.

proxymaxcon If this value is non-zero then proxy remapping support is enabled. Proxy remapping support makes it possible for a proxy server to inform wipld by on behalf of which machines it transfers packages. And wipld will then account packages transferred by the proxy server to the machine actually requesting the information.

The value should be set to the maximal number of concurrent connections the proxy server can make. A typical value is 2048.

daemonfile This file is used as the communication point between the daemon and it's clients. It is possible to have multiple daemons running at the same time if they use different daemon files. The specified file must exists.


In the [program] section you must specify a program in the wipl programming language. For a description of this language see wipllang(5). The program you specify will be executed for each IP packet seen by the daemon.

Some examples on programs will be given now. These examples all assume that you run the daemon in MAC based addressing mode. If you are running it in IP based addressing mode change srcmac[0] to srcip[0] and dstmac[1] to dstip[1].

If you want to collect simple statistics about the IP traffic on the LAN segment you are connected to, you can use the following program together with the counter definitions from the top of this manual page:


This means that for each packet the Send counter (counter 0) associated with the source MAC address of the packet is incremented by the size of the packet. Similarly the Recv counter (counter 1) associated with the destination MAC address is incremented.

For a more advanced situation suppose you want to make statistics about what is transfered through a router. Also suppose that the router has the MAC address 11:22:33:44:55:66 and the IP address Then you can use the following program:

if(dstmac==11:22:33:44:55:66 && dstip!= 
else if(srcmac==11:22:33:44:55:66 && srcip!= 

The following program will only account traffic that goes from internal to external hosts and from external to internal hosts (traffic between internal hosts is ignored). It will also account the traffic for whole network (it should be easy to extend this example to account different internal networks):

bool s = (srcip/24 ==;
bool d = (dstip/24 ==;
if (s && !d) {
} else if (d && !s) {

This code assumes your network has no host with the IP address, in that case the program will account the traffic two times for that host.

Final note: If you declare a variable without assigning a value to it, like in:

int a;

The variable is initialized to 0 AND it will preserve its value between each execution of the program.


The shared memory area is created with the user and group of the daemon process as specifed by the user and group options. Read and write permission of the area is always given to the user to allow the the daemon to access the area. Read and write permissions for the group and for others are set to the same permissions as the persmissions of the daemonfile. A user which has read but not write permission cannot write to the shared memory area but can lock it infinitly prevening others from accessing it.


The tcpdump and the wipld program both use the pcap library to read the raw packets from the network card and to interpret the filter string. So when you don't get the statistics you think you should it is a good idea to try to run tcpdump to check if the wipld daemon sees the packets you think it does. Also you probably want to run tcpdump with the -n option to prevent DNS lookups from blocking the program.


/etc/rc.d/init.d/wipld Usually the daemon is started and stopped by this script.

/etc/wipld.conf Default configuration- and daemonfile.

/var/log/wipld Default logfile

/var/run/ Default pidfile