man zcip (Administration système) - zero configure network interface


zcip - zero configure network interface


zcip [-hsv] [-i interface]


zcip does the ad-hoc link-local IPv4 auto-configuration trick, as described in the IETF Internet Draft 'Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses'.


[--help] , [-h]
Provide brief help and usage information, and exit.
[--syslog] , [-s]
Send all information to syslog, instead of standard output
[--version] , [-v]
Provide version information, and exit
[-i interface_name] , "[--interface=interface_name]
Specifies the interface to configure. If this option is not used, zcip defaults to the eth0 device.
[-r] , "[--randseed]
Seeds the random number generator that is used to create the interface's new IP address with a true random number rather than the MAC address of the device.
[-d] , "[--default]
Add a default route to this interface in addition to the standard network route.


None yet, but maybe a configuration file will be added. We probably also need one or more files to store the IP for each interface.


zcip currently assumes that the target interface is down and reconfigures it. The IETF draft seems to suggest using multi-homing, which we don't do yet.

There should be a configuration option to work the same way Windows 2000 does, so we don't get beaten up so much.

Doesn't work if packet filtering is not enabled in the kernel (CONFIG_FILTER). You get infinite looping through a lot of IPs in a hurry.



Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote zcip.

Brad Hards ( wrote this manpage and did minor hacks on zcip.