man album (Commandes) - album [album options]


album [album options]


album is an HTML photo album generator that supports themes. It takes a directory of images and creates all the thumbnails and HTML that you need. It's fast, easy to use, and very powerful.

Place your photos in a new directory somewhere inside your web pages. Then run CWalbum from a command-line prompt with the directory path as an argument, and that's it.

To use themes, make sure the CWThemes directory is inside your web path, and then use the -theme option.


There are three types of options. Boolean options, string/num options and array options. Boolean options can be turned off by prepending -no_:

% album -no_image_pages

String and number values are specified after a string option:

% album -type gif % album -columns 5

Array options can be specified two ways, with one argument at a time:

% album -exif hi -exif there

Or multiple arguments using the '--' form:

% album --exif hi there

Boolean options:

% album -q, -d, -save_conf, -image_pages, -dir_thumbs, -just_medium, -embed, -clean, -album_captions, -caption_edit, -file_sizes, -fix_urls, -known_images, -all, -hashes, -name_length, -date_sort, -name_sort, -reverse_sort, -image_loop, -crop, -force, -sample, -animated_gifs, -use_tcap

String/number options:

% album -medium, -captions, -top, -body, -charset, -index, -default_index, -html, -type, -medium_type, -CROP, -dir, -sharpen, -theme_url, -theme_path, -convert, -identify, -jhead, -ffmpeg, -conf_file, -dev_null, -windows, -cygwin, -tcap, -tcap_out, -cmdproxy, -header, -footer, -no_album, -hide_album, -not_img

Array options:

% album --exif, --exif_album, --exif_image, --add, --scale_opts, --medium_scale_opts, --full_scale_opts


Show usage
Be quiet [Default OFF]
Set debug mode [Default OFF]
Read a .conf file
Save album.conf files in albums [Default ON]

Album Options:

Create a page for each image [Default ON]
Directories have thumbnail (if supported by theme) [Default ON]
Generate medium size images
Don't link to full-size images [Default OFF]
Use image pages for non-picture image pages [Default ON]
Number of image columns [Default 4]
Remove unused thumbnails [Default OFF]
Specify captions filename [Default captions.txt]
Also show captions on album page [Default ON]
Add comment tags so that caption_edit.cgi will work [Default OFF]
Append exif info to captions. Use CW%key 0n fmt string Example: -exif <br>Camera: CW%Camera model% If any CW%keys% are not found by jhead, nothing is appended.
-exif for just album pages
-exif for just image pages
Show image file sizes [Default OFF]
Encode unsafe chars as 0x in URLs [Default ON]
Only include known image types [Default ON]
URL for 'Back' link on top page [Default ../]
Do not hide files/directories starting with '.' [Default OFF]
Add a new directory to the album it's been placed in
Depth to descend directories (default infinite) [Default -1]
Show hash marks while generating thumbnails [Default ON]
Limit length of image/dir names [Default ON]
Sort images/dirs by date instead of captions/name [Default OFF]
Sort by name, not caption order [Default OFF]
Sort in reverse [Default OFF]
Specify <body> tags for non-theme output
Charset for non-theme output [Default iso-8859-1]
Do first and last image pages loop around? [Default ON]
Select the default 'index.html' to use. For file://, try '-index index.html' to add 'index.html' to index links.
The file the webserver accesses when no file is specified. [Default index.html]
Default postfix for HTML files [Default .html]

Thumbnail Options:

Size of thumbnail [Default 133x133]
Thumbnail type (gif, jpg, tiff,...) [Default jpg]
Medium type (default is same type as full image)
Crop the image to fit thumbnail size otherwise aspect will be maintained [Default OFF]
Force cropping to be top, bottom, left or right
Thumbnail directory [Default tn]
Force overwrite of existing thumbnails otherwise they are only written when changed [Default OFF]
convert -sample for thumbnails (faster, low quality) [Default OFF]
Sharpen after scaling
Take first frame of animated gifs (only some systems) [Default OFF]
Options for convert (use '--' for mult)
List of medium convert options
List of full convert options

Theme Options:

Specify a theme directory
In case you want to refer to the theme by absolute URL
Directory that contains themes
To show more options.
To show even more options.
Display program version info


Path to convert (ImageMagick) [Default convert]
Path to identify (ImageMagick) [Default identify]
Path to jhead (extracts exif info) [Default jhead]
Path to ffmpeg (extracting movie frames) [Default ffmpeg]
Conf filename for album configurations [Default album.conf]
Throwaway temp file [Default /dev/null]
Are we (unfortunately) running windows?
Are we using the Cygwin environment?
Use tcap? (win98) [Default OFF]
Path to tcap (win98) [Default tcap]
tcap output file (win98) [Default atrash.tmp]
Path to cmdproxy (tcap helper for long lines) [Default cmdproxy]
Path to header file [Default header.txt]
Path to footer file [Default footer.txt]
Ignore dir/files if file with this postfix exists [Default .no_album]
Ignore and don't display these files [Default .hide_album]
Don't treat these files as images [Default .not_img]


Home directory for finding user-specific configuration files (.albumrc)
Instead of looking for .albumrc, album also looks for CW$DOT/album.conf (I'm not a big fan of .dotfiles cluttering my home directory).
Set/overwritten by the Win98 version of album for tcap arguments.


Site-specific configuration
User-specific configuration
Album-specific configuration. Will be modified with any new command-line options!
Specifies album information



David Ljung Madison <>