man aqsis (Commandes) - a free-as-in-freedom RenderMan engine


aqsis - a free-as-in-freedom RenderMan engine


Aqsis is a free-as-in-freedom 3D render engine for GNU/Linux and Win32, that conforms to the industry-standard RenderMan Interface. Aqsis is capable of producing motion-picture-quality output and implements all major features of the RenderMan standard, including programmable shaders.

Please visit for more information.


aqsis [options] [RIB file ...]


-h, --help Print help information and exit.

--version Print program version information and exit.

--pause Wait for a keypress after rendering is complete.

--progress Print progress information while rendering (see --progressformat)

--Progress Print prman-compatible progress information while rendering (same as --progressformat="R90000%p%%").

--progressformat=[string] Specify a printf-style format string that overrides the default --progress output format (does not affect --Progress). Formatting codes are: "%p" = percent complete "%s" = total elapsed seconds "%S" = total remaining seconds "%m" = total elapsed minutes "%M" = total remaining minutes "%h" = total elapsed hours "%H" = total remaining hours "%t" = total elapsed time in HH:MM:SS "%T" = total remaining time in HH:MM:SS "%f" = frame number "%%" = % character

--endofframe Override the "endofframe" option from the input RIB file(s).

--nostandard Disable automatic declaration of standard RenderMan parameters.

-v, --verbose=[level] Controls the verbosity of output messages. "0" = errors only. "1" = errors and warnings (default). "2" = errors, warnings, and information. "3" = errors, warnings, information, and debugging output.

--renderinfo Print information about base render settings.

--type=[type] Specify a display device type to use.

--addtype=[type] Specify a display device type to add.

--mode=[mode] Specify a display device mode to use.

-d, --fb Equivalent to --type="framebuffer" --mode="rgb".

--crop [x1] [x2] [y1] [y2] Specify a crop window in screen space.

--rc=[file] Specify a RIB configuration file that will be parsed prior to each input RIB file (overrides the default and AQSIS_RC_PATH environment variable).

--shaders=[path1:path2...] Specify the path(s) used to search for compiled shaders (overrides the default and AQSIS_SHADER_PATH environment variable). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

--archives=[path1:path2...] Specify the path(s) used to search for archived RIB files (overrides the default and AQSIS_ARCHIVE_PATH environment variable). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

--textures=[path1:path2...] Specify the path(s) used to search for texture files (overrides the default and AQSIS_TEXTURE_PATH environment variable). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

--displays=[path1:path2...] Specify the path(s) used to search for display plugins (overrides the default and AQSIS_DISPLAY_PATH environment variable). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

--dsolibs=[path1:path2...] Specify the path(s) used to search for DSO shader plugins (overrides the default and AQSIS_DSO_PATH environment variable). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

--procedurals=[path1:path2...] Specify the path(s) used to search for procedural geometry plugins (overrides the default and AQSIS_PROCEDURAL_PATH environment variable). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

-nc, --nocolor Disable colored log output.

--syslog Log output messages to syslog (Posix only).


AQSIS_RC_PATH Overrides the RIB configuration file that will be loaded prior to each input RIB file (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --rc option, above).

AQSIS_SHADER_PATH Overrides the path(s) used to search for compiled shaders (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --shaders option, above). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

AQSIS_ARCHIVE_PATH Overrides the path(s) used to search for archived RIB files (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --archives option, above). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

AQSIS_TEXTURE_PATH Overrides the path(s) used to search for texture files (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --textures option, above). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

AQSIS_DISPLAY_PATH Overrides the path(s) used to search for display plugins (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --displays option, above). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

AQSIS_DSO_PATH Overrides the path(s) used to search for DSO shader plugins (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --dsolibs option, above). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.

AQSIS_PROCEDURAL_PATH Overrides the path(s) used to search for procedural geometry plugins (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --procedural option, above). You may specify multiple search paths, delimited using a colon.


Written by Paul Gregory, and many others.


Report bugs to <>


Copyright (c) 1995-2004, Paul Gregory

This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.