man arabic2trans (Commandes) - convert a character set encoded Arabic file to a Buckwalter transliterated file.


trans2arabic - convert a character set encoded Arabic file to a Buckwalter transliterated file.


arabic2trans -f filename [OPTIONS]


This utility will convert a file encoded in UTF-8 or CP1256 to a Buckwalter transliterated file. The default encoding is set to the UTF-8 (as it should always be!). It should be noted that the Windows CP-1256 encoding is often insufficient to convert some of the transliterations. It is therefore advised to only use UTF-8 encoding.

This is part of Duali.


-h, --help
Show summary of options.
-V, --version
Show program version.
-f, --file= filename
Input UTF-8 or CP1256 encoded file
-c, --charset ENCODING
Select encoding (utf-8 or cp-1256)


This manual page is written by Mohammed Elzubeir <>.