man autopano-complete (Commandes) - Generate panorama project file from images.


autopano-complete - Generate panorama project file from images.

SYNOPSIS [options] -o output.pto image1 image2 [image3 [..]]


Generate panorama project from image files. First, generate temporary keypoint files for each of the image files given on the command line. Then match the image files to identify the same features in two or more images. Generate a PTO panorama project file from the matching results. (Programs such as hugin can read it.)


The image files to read in. They can be in any common format, including JPEG, PNG and TIFF.
-o|--output <file>
Set PTO panorama output file (mandatory).
-s|--size <pixelsize>
Set downscale resolution. If any of the image dimensions exceed this side, the image is resized so the longer side of the images will be this size. This is a preprocessing step and no file on disc will be changed. Use this when memory is rare.
-p|--points <count>
The maximum number of control points to generate per image pair. When more than the given number of pairs are found, only the best are kept.
Do not use the RANSAC algorithm (RANdom Sample Consensus), which does use geometric correllation to remove unwanted matches. Use this when uncommon lens geometries are used, such as fisheye lenses.
In any case, wipe the table - the previously generated keypoint files - and then generate the keypoint files from the images and match. If no clean is used, then previous image keypoint files are also used for matching.
Output a concise usage help.


No bugs known, if you find any, please send a bug report to me. I will try to fix it. An old, obselete version of this script exists with similar functionality, see autopano-complete.old


Pablo d'Angelo <pablo dot dangelo at web dot de>, Sebastian Nowozin <nowozin at cs dot tu dash berlin dot de>