man belpic-cryptoflex-tool (Commandes) - utility for manipulating Schlumberger Cryptoflex data structures


cryptoflex-tool - utility for manipulating Schlumberger Cryptoflex data structures




is used to manipulate PKCS data structures on Schlumberger Cryptoflex smart cards. Users can create, list and read PINs and keys stored on the smart card. User PIN authentication is performed for those operations that require it.


--verify-pin, -v
Verifies CHV1 before issuing commands
--list-keys, -l
Lists all keys stored in a public key file
--create-key-files arg, -c arg
Creates new RSA key files for arg keys
--create-pin-files id, -P id
Creates new PIN file for CHVid
--generate-key, -g
Generate a new RSA key pair
Reads a public key from the card, allowing the user to extract and store or use the public key
--key-num num, -k num
Specifies the key number to operate on. The default is key number 1.
--app-df num, -a num
Specifies the DF to operate in
--prkey-file id, -p id
Specifies the private key file id, id, to use
--pubkey-file id, -u id
Specifies the public key file id, id, to use
--exponent exp, -e exp
Specifies the RSA exponent, exp, to use in key generation. The default value is 3.
--modulus-length length, -m length
Specifies the modulus length to use in key generation. The default value is 1024.
--reader num, -r num
Forces to use reader number num for operations. The default is to use reader number 0, the first reader in the system.
--quiet, -q
Perform operations quietly. This causes to be less 'chatty' about the status of the operation.
--debug, -d
Print debug output. This option may be supplied many times each increasing the verbosity of debug messages.



was written by Juha Yrjölä <>. This manpage was contributed by Joe Phillips <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).