man bopm (Commandes) - manual page for BOPM 3.0


BOPM - manual page for BOPM 3.0


BOPM - Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor

-c <name>
Config name. By default BOPM reads bopm.conf, "-c foo" will cause BOPM to read foo.conf. The primary use for this is to run multiple BOPMs from one directory.
Debug mode. BOPM will not fork, and will write logs to stderr. Multiple -d increase debug level.
-v <directory>
"var directory". By default BOPM looks for its config file in and writes its log to the current directory. This option allows you to specify an alternative directory.


The full documentation for BOPM is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and BOPM programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info BOPM

should give you access to the complete manual.