man btdownloadcurses.bittornado (Commandes) - curses bittornado download interface


btdownloadcurses - curses bittornado download interface


btdownloadcurses [--max_uploads number] [--keepalive_interval seconds] [--download_slice_size bytes] [--upload_unit_size bytes] [--request_backlog number] [--max_message_length length] [--ip ip] [--minport portnum] [--maxport portnum] [--random_port 0 | 1 ] [--responsefile file] [--url URL] [--selector_enabled 0 | 1 ] [--expire_cache_data days] [--priority -1|0|1|2[,-1|0|1|2] ] [--saveas filename] [--timeout seconds] [--timeout_check_interval seconds] [--max_slice_length length] [--max_rate_period seconds] [--bind ip[,hostname] [--ipv6_enabled 0 | 1 ] [--ipv6_binds_v4 0 | 1 ] [--upnp_nat_access 0 | 1 | 2 ] [--upload_rate_fudge seconds] [--tcp_ack_fudge overhead] [--display_interval seconds] [--rerequest_interval seconds] [--min_peers number] [--http_timeout seconds] [--max_initiate number] [--check_hashes 0 | 1 ] [--max_upload_rate kB/s] [--max_download_rate kB/s] [--alloc_type normal | background | pre-allocate | sparse] [--alloc_rate MiB/s] [--buffer_reads 0 | 1 ] [--write_buffer_size space] [--snub_time seconds] [--spew 0 | 1 ] [--rarest_first_cutoff number] [--rarest_first_priority_cutoff number] [--min_uploads number] [--max_files_open number] [--round_robin_period seconds] [--super_seeder 0 | 1 ] [--security 0 | 1 ] [--max_connections number] [--auto_kick 0 | 1 ] [--double_check 0 | 1 ] [--triple_check 0 | 1 [--lock_files 0 | 1 ] [--lock_while_reading 0 | 1 ] [--auto_flush minutes]


Curses interface to download torrents.


This program follows the usual GNU command-line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes ('--'). A summary of options is included below.

--max_uploads number

the maximum number of uploads to allow at once. (defaults to 7)

--keepalive_interval seconds

number of seconds to pause between sending keepalives (defaults to 120.0)

--download_slice_size bytes

How many bytes to query for per request. (defaults to 16384)

--upload_unit_size bytes

when limiting upload rate, how many bytes to send at a time (defaults to 1460)

--request_backlog number

maximum number of requests to keep in a single pipe at once. (defaults to 10)

--max_message_length length

maximum length prefix encoding you'll accept over the wire - larger values get the connection dropped. (defaults to 8388608)

--ip ip

ip to report you have to the tracker. (defaults to '')

--minport portnum

set portnum as the minimum port to listen on, counts up if unavailable (defaults to 10000)

--maxport portnum

set portnum as the maximum port to listen on (defaults to 60000)

--random_port 0 | 1

whether to choose randomly inside the port range instead of counting up linearly (defaults to 1)

--responsefile file

file the server response was stored in, alternative to url (defaults to '')

--url URL

URL to get file from, alternative to responsefile (defaults to '')

--selector_enabled 0 | 1

whether to enable the file selector and fast resume function (defaults to 1)

--expire_cache_data days

the number of days after which you wish to expire old cache data (0 = disabled) (defaults to 10)

--priority -1|0|1|2[,-1|0|1|2]

a list of file priorities separated by commas, must be one per file, 0 = highest, 1 = normal, 2 = lowest, -1 = download disabled (defaults to ''). Order is based on the file/torrent order as shown by btshowmetainfo. For example, to download only the third of four files use: --priority -1,-1,2,-1

--saveas filename

local filename to save the file as, null indicates query user (defaults to '')

--timeout seconds

time in seconds to wait between closing sockets which nothing has been received on (defaults to 300.0)

--timeout_check_interval seconds

time to wait in seconds between checking if any connections have timed out (defaults to 60.0)

--max_slice_length length

maximum length slice to send to peers, larger requests are ignored (defaults to 131072)

--max_rate_period seconds

maximum amount of time in seconds to guess the current rate estimate represents (defaults to 20.0)

--bind ip[,hostname]

comma-separated list of ips/hostnames to bind to locally (defaults to '')

--ipv6_enabled 0 | 1

allow the client to connect to peers via IPv6 (defaults to 0)

--ipv6_binds_v4 0 | 1

set if an IPv6 server socket will also field IPv4 connections (defaults to 1)

--upnp_nat_access 0 | 1 | 2

attempt to autoconfigure a UPnP router to forward a server port (0 = disabled, 1 = mode 1 [fast], 2 = mode 2 [slow]) (defaults to 1)

--upload_rate_fudge seconds

time equivalent in seconds of writing to kernel-level TCP buffer, for rate adjustment (defaults to 5.0)

--tcp_ack_fudge overhead

how much TCP ACK download overhead to add to upload rate calculations (0 = disabled) (defaults to 0.029999999999999999)

--display_interval seconds

time in seconds between updates of displayed information (defaults to 0.5)

--rerequest_interval seconds

time to wait, in seconds, between requesting more peers (defaults to 300)

--min_peers number

minimum number of peers to not do rerequesting (defaults to 20)

--http_timeout seconds

number of seconds to wait before assuming that an http connection has timed out (defaults to 60)

--max_initiate number

number of peers at which to stop initiating new connections (defaults to 40)

--check_hashes 0 | 1

whether to check hashes on disk (defaults to 1)

--max_upload_rate kB/s

maximum kB/s to upload at (0 = no limit, -1 = automatic) (defaults to 0)

--max_download_rate kB/s

maximum kB/s to download at (0 = no limit) (defaults to 0)

--alloc_type normal | background | pre-allocate | sparse

allocation type (may be normal, background, pre-allocate or sparse) (defaults to 'normal')

--alloc_rate MiB/s

rate (in MiB/s) to allocate space at using background allocation (defaults to 2.0)

--buffer_reads 0 | 1

whether to buffer disk reads (defaults to 1)

--write_buffer_size space

the maximum amount of space to use for buffering disk writes (in megabytes, 0 = disabled) (defaults to 4)

--snub_time seconds

seconds to wait for data to come in over a connection before assuming it's semi-permanently choked (defaults to 30.0)

--spew 0 | 1

whether to display diagnostic info to stdout (defaults to 0)

--rarest_first_cutoff number

number of downloads at which to switch from random to rarest first (defaults to 2)

--rarest_first_priority_cutoff number

the number of peers which need to have a piece before other partials take priority over rarest first (defaults to 5)

--min_uploads number

the number of uploads to fill out to with extra optimistic unchokes (defaults to 4)

--max_files_open number

the maximum number of files to keep open at a time, 0 means no limit (defaults to 50)

--round_robin_period seconds

the number of seconds between the client's switching upload targets (defaults to 30)

--super_seeder 0 | 1

whether to use special upload-efficiency-maximizing routines (only for dedicated seeds) (defaults to 0)

--security 0 | 1

whether to enable extra security features intended to prevent abuse (defaults to 1)

--max_connections number

the absolute maximum number of peers to connect with (0 = no limit) (defaults to 0)

--auto_kick 0 | 1

whether to allow the client to automatically kick/ban peers that send bad data (defaults to 1)

--double_check 0 | 1

whether to double-check data being written to the disk for errors (may increase CPU load) (defaults to 1)

--triple_check 0 | 1

whether to thoroughly check data being written to the disk (may slow disk access) (defaults to 0)

--lock_files 0 | 1

whether to lock files the client is working with (defaults to 1)

--lock_while_reading 0 | 1

whether to lock access to files being read (defaults to 0)

--auto_flush minutes

minutes between automatic flushes to disk (0 = disabled) (defaults to 0)



This manual page was written by Micah Anderson <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).