man bulletin-expire (Commandes) - remove bulletins created by maildir-bulletin


bulletin-expire - remove bulletins created by maildir-bulletin


bulletin-expire [files]


This program is used to expire bulletins created by the maildir-bulletin program. It is designed to be run as root, but if root isn't the adminsitrative account for email then it could be run as another user. For example if you have all mail storage as user mail then you should probable run this program as user mail too.


The default mode of operation is to check the expiry time set in the bulletins and after removing all links to a bulletin file it will move the bulletin to the removed subdirectory of the bulletins directory.

If you specify one or more file names on the command line then it will process them instead, however if you specify the files it will not move the files it will just remove links to them.


/var/log/bulletin.log /var/log/bulletin.err


The main directory for config files.
Temporary directory for sed input - do not make this a link to /tmp, it must be a directory that is only writable by root.
Where the bulletin files are stored.


If the expiry date contains a month greater than 12 or a day greater than the number of days in the month this won't be taken as an error. Month 13 means that it won't expire until the next year, day 32 means it won't expire until the next month. Maybe someone will consider this a feature.


This program, it's manual page, and the Debian package were written by Russell Coker <> while under contract to Cap Gemini. I had to re-write their bulletin program anyway so it made sense to do it properly and release it as open source.