man cacao (Commandes) - a Java just-in-time compiler


cacao - a Java just-in-time compiler


cacao [ options ] classname [ argument ... ]

cacao [ options ] -jar file.jar [ argument ... ]


The method main of the class classname is executed. Method main must have the signature public static void main(String[] argv). The program arguments are passed to method main in the string array argv. The environment variable CLASSPATH must contain the directory of the Java class files.


Currently recognized options are:

-classpath path
Set the search path for user-defined class files. Usually the environment variable CLASSPATH specifies the search path, but this option overrides the value of the environment variable. path may be a colon-separated list of directories and .jar files.
-cp path
Equivalent to -classpath path.
Assign a value to an entry of the system property list.
Enable specific verbose output.
Print product version and exit.
Print jpackage-compatible product version and exit.
Print product version and continue.
-help, -? Print this help message and exit.
Print help on non-standard Java options.


Currently recognized options are:

Append path to the search path of the bootstrap loader.
Prepend path to the search path of the bootstrap loader.
Set the search path of the bootstrap loader to path. path is a list of .zip files, .jar files, or directories, separated by :.
Interpreter mode execution.
JIT mode execution (default).
Set the initial size of the heap (default: 2MB).
Set the maximum size of the heap (default: 64MB).
Set the thread stack size (default: 128kB).
Compile all methods, no execution.
Disable array bounds checks.
Disable synchronization.
Don't start the class after loading.
Don't warn about overlong UTF-8 sequences.

-log logfile Specifies the logfile. Default is stdout.

Use linear scan register allocation.
-m method
Compile only a specific method.
Turn off bytecode verification and other verifier checks.
-sig signature
Specify signature for the method given by the -m option.
Use software nullpointer check.
Print detailed compiler statistics.

-time Gives statistics about run time after the program has completed.

Print state information.


The following options are useful for debugging cacao:

Show a disassembled listing of the generated code.
Show the constant pool.
Show data segment listing.
Show disassembled exception stubs (only with -sa).
Show intermediate representation.
Show class fields and methods.
Show disassembled native stubs.
Show the internal utf hash.
Print more information.
Trace method calls.
Trace exceptions and stack unwinding.
Print a message for each garbage collection.


Perform eager class loading and linking.
Inline methods with exceptions.
Activate inlining of methods.
Inline methods of foreign classes.
Optimize argument renaming when inlining.
Inline virtual methods (uses/turns -rt option on).
Optimize array accesses in loops.
Use rapid type analysis.
Use variable type analysis.
Use X type analysis.


A colon-separated list of directories and .jar files to search for user-defined classes.
A colon-separated list of directories and .jar files searched by the bootstrap loader.


The CACAO Team:

Reinhard Grafl, Andreas Krall, Christopher Kruegel, Carolyn Oates, Roman Obermaisser, Martin Platter, Mark Probst, Stefan Ring, Edwin Steiner, Christian Thalinger, Dieter Thuernbeck, Philipp Tomsich, Christian Ullrich, Joseph Wenninger

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