man camediaplay (Commandes) - camediaplay


camediaplay - download/control tool for digital cameras with Sanyo firmware


camediaplay [-duvD] [-b baudrate]portcamediaplay [-aduvD] [-b baudrate] [-s startpict] [-e endpict] [-n pict]-oportcamediaplay [-adituvD] [-b baudrate] [-s startpict] [-e endpict] [-n pict]-gportcamediaplay [-duvD] [-b baudrate]-# serialnoportcamediaplay [-duvD] [-b baudrate]-I idstringportcamediaplay [-duvD] [-b baudrate]-Sportcamediaplay [-duvD] [-b baudrate]-Pport



is a downloading/controlling tool for digital cameras with Sanyo firmware. Cameras with Sanyo firmware include all Olympus products, Epson products, Agfa products, and of course, Sanyo digital cameras.

camediaplay has several modes of operation. Options to specify the operation mode are -og#ISP . If two or more modes are specified, the rightmost one will be active.

no mode option specified
Queries the number of pictures in the camera.
Downloads single picture, and generates output to standard output. As you can imagine, the mode will not work if multiple pictures are specified for download.
Downloads multiple pictures, and generates output to files.
Updates the EEPROM data in the camera for serial number.
Updates the EEPROM data in the camera for camera personal id.
Dumps the status of the camera to stderr.
Takes a picture.

The following options are available, however, some of them are meaningful only in some specific mode. If the option is not supported in the current mode, the option will be ignored.

Download all the pictures from the camera. The flag overrides other flags that specify picture numbers.
Enable data dump mode (basically for debugging). The data transmitted between the program and the camera will be shown. Transactions longer than 30 bytes will be truncated to fit the dump list into 80 columns.
Do not overwrite existing files.
Download thumbnails instead of full sized pictures.
Do not perform uucp locking. Only gurus are allowed to use this option.
Be verbose.
Enable debugging mode.
-b baudrate
Specify the baudrate to use. The default baudrate is 19200 (yes, we are conservative by default) It is believed that up to 115200 bps can be used.
-s startpict
-e endpict
Specifies the range of picture numbers to be downloaded. The flag overrides other flags that specify a picture numbers.
-n pict
Downloads a single picture, specified by pict . The flag overrides other flags that specify picture numbers.
Serial port device to be used (usually /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1).


shows the number of pictures. the directory name for device files can be omitted.

downloads full-sized picture #10 to foo.jpg through stdout. downloads thumbnail picture #10 to foo.jpg through stdout.

downloads all full-sized pictures into "pic00001.jpg", "pic00002.jpg" and so forth.

downloads full-sized pictures from #2 to #4 into "pic00002.jpg", "pic00003.jpg" and so forth.


Most of the cameras from Sanyo, Epson, Agfa, and Olympus are believed to be supported. Successful/failure reports will always be welcomed.


Jun-ichiro Itoh <>