man cglame (Commandes) - A versatile audio editor


glame - A versatile audio editor


cglame [ [-c] swapfile ]


This manual page documents briefly the cglame command that comes as part of the glame package. Only a short summary of options is provided here. More complete documentation to cglame comes in the GNU Info format; see below.

cglame is a program that provides you with a flexible command line interface to edit and manipulate audio streams. It uses a scripting language built on top of Scheme that is described in glame's Info manual.


File (directory actually) that acts as cglame's backing store. If you do not specify a swapfile, editing capabilities are limited by available memory.
If the given swapfile does not exist yet, this option will tell cglame to create it.


glame (1).

The program is documented fully in The GLAME Manual available via the Info system.


This manual page was written by Daniel Kobras

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