man clmclose (Commandes) - Fetch connected components from graphs or subgraphs


clmclose - Fetch connected components from graphs or subgraphs


clmclose -imx <fname> [options]

clmclose -imx fname (input file) -dom fname (input domain/cluster file) [-o fname (output file)] [-cc (output connected components)] [-h (list help)] [--apropos (list synopsis of all options)]


Currently, -cc is the only mode provided, implying its use is required.

Use clmclose to fetch the connected components from a graph. They will be returned as a clustering file. Use this file in conjunction with mcxsubs and the graph file itself to retrieve individual subgraphs corresponding to connected components.

If the -dom fname option is used, clmclose will for each of the domains in file fname retrieve the associated subgraph from the input graph, decompose it into its connected components, and write each connected components as a separate domain/cluster in the output file.


Stijn van Dongen.


mclfamily(7) for an overview of all the documentation and the utilities in the mcl family.