man clminfo (Commandes) - Compute performance measures for graphs and clusterings.


clminfo - Compute performance measures for graphs and clusterings.


clminfo [options] <graph file> <cluster file> <cluster file>*

clminfo [--adapt (allow domain mismatch)] [-pi f (apply inflation beforehand)] [--append-pf (append performance measures)] [--append-gr (append granularity measures)] [-tag <str> (write tag=<str> in performance section)] <graph file> <cluster file> <cluster file>*


clminfo computes several numbers indicative for the efficiency with with a clustering captures the edge mass of a given graph. Use it in conjunction with clmdist to determine which clusterings you accept. See the EXAMPLES section in clmdist(1) for an example of clmdist and clminfo (and clmmeet) usage. Output can be generated for multiple clusterings at the same time.

The first number is called the efficiency and is described in [1] (see the REFERENCES section). It tries to balance the dual aims of capturing a lot of edges or edge weights and keeping the cluster footprint or area fraction small. The efficiency number has several appealing mathematical properties, cf. [1]. It is related to, but not derivable from, the second and third numbers, the mass fraction and the area fraction.

The second number is the mass fraction, which is defined as follows. Let e be an edge of the graph. The clustering captures e if the two nodes associated with e are in the same cluster. Now the mass fraction is the joint weight of all captured edges divided by the joint weight of all edges in the input graph.

The third number is the area fraction, which is roughly the sum of the squares of all cluster sizes for all clusters in the clustering, divided by the square of the number of nodes in the graph. It says roughly, because the actual formula uses the quantity N*(N-1) wherever it says square (of N) above. A low/high area fraction indicates a fine-grained/coarse clustering.

The fourth number is the cluster link weight, which is the average edge weight over all edges captured by the clustering.

The fifth number is the graph link weight, which is the average weight over all edges in the graph.


The --adapt option allows the graph domain and cluster domain not to match. clmdist will take the appropriate subclustering and subgraph as it goes along.

Apply inflation to the graph matrix and compute the performance measures for the result.

clminfo will reread each cluster file and append the computed performance measures to it.

clminfo will reread each cluster file and append the computed granularity measures to it.

When appending, clminfo will include tag=<str> in the performance section. This can be useful e.g. to indicate the pre-inflation value corresponding with the section.


Stijn van Dongen.


mclfamily(7) for an overview of all the documentation and the utilities in the mcl family.


[1] Stijn van Dongen. Performance criteria for graph clustering and Markov cluster experiments. Technical Report INS-R0012, National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, May 2000.