man clmmeet (Commandes) - compute the intersection of a set of clusterings.


clmmeet - compute the intersection of a set of clusterings.


clmmeet [--adapt] [-o <output file name>] <file name>+


clmmeet computes the intersection of a set of clusterings, that is, the largest clustering that is a subclustering of all the clusterings in the set. It stores the intersection (or meet) in the argument to the -o flag, which must be the first option given. All remaining arguments are interpreted as names of files containing clusterings in mcl format (see mcxio(5)), which must all pertain to a set of the same cardinality.

This utility can be useful in measuring (in conjunction with clmdist(1)) the consistency of a set of clusterings at different levels of granularity - if the meet of all those clusterings is close to being a subclustering of each of them, consistency is good. See clmdist(1) for an example.

The --adapt option allows domain mismatches to occur between clusterings. clmmeet will project the clusterings onto the meet of their domains.


Stijn van Dongen.


mclfamily(7) for an overview of all the documentation and the utilities in the mcl family.