man cvsdelta (Commandes) - Manage and summarize the differences between a CVS project and local files.


cvsdelta - Manage and summarize the differences between a CVS project and local files.


cvsdelta [options] [file ...]


Manages and summarizes the differences between a CVS project and local files, showing the changes of the files themselves and of their contents. Added, changed, and deleted files are denoted with `+', `*', and `-' respectively. The number of lines are displayed.


-a, --adds
Display the files that were added. This is done by default.
-A, --no-adds
Do not display the files that were added. The default is to show the added files.
--banner, --no-banner
Whether to show the banner, i.e., the header and footer of the output table. By default, the banner is displayed.
-c, --changes
Display the files that were changed. This is done by default.
-C, --no-changes, --nodiff
Do not compare files that exist locally and in CVS. This executes significantly faster, and is useful for when one only wants to add and remove files, without getting the summary of the changes. It is also helpful for dealing with situations where CVS seems to hang after producing diff output, although changing the compression level can help with this. The default is to show the changed files.
-d, --deletes
Display the files that were deleted. This is done by default.
-D, --no-deletes
Do not display the files that were deleted. The default is to show the files that were deleted.
-e, --execute
Execute the associated CVS commands (add and remove) for the added and deleted files.
-f DATE, --from-date DATE
Compare the files to their version as of the given date, rather than their current version in CVS. The date is expected to be in CVS format, for example, 2002/12/31.
-F REVISION, --from-revision REVISION
Compare the files to their version as of the given revision, rather than their current version in CVS.
-h, --help
Display a help message.
-i, --confirm
Interactively confirm deleted files with the user before removing them from CVS. The default is simply to execute the remove command for relevant files. This option is valid only with the --execute option.
--progress, --no-progress
Whether to show the progress meter as the program is working with CVS. By default, this is not shown.
-q, --quiet
Run with minimum output. In quiet mode, the progress meter is not displayed.
-s, --skip-unknown-directories
Skip directories that are not in CVS. The default behavior is to process all subdirectories.
-t DATE, --to-date DATE
Compare the files to their version as of the given date, rather than to the local files. The date is expected to be in CVS format, for example, 2001/08/21. This option is valid only with the --from-date or --from-revision options.
-T REVISION, --to-revision REVISION
Compare the files to their version as of the given revision, rather than to the local files. This is valid only with the --from-date or --from-revision options.
-v, --version
Display the version and exit.
-V, --verbose
Run with maximum output, which is written to standard error.
-z [LEVEL], ---compression [LEVEL]
Set the compression to the given level for net traffic. This can be useful if the CVS server seems to hang. The default level is 3; 0 and 9 work well.


Arguments may be either files or directories.

If a file is provided, it is compared against the equivalent in CVS, if any. The .cvsignore files are applied, so that although the file was explicitly provided, it may be ignored.
Directories are processed recursively for files that are not filtered out by .cvsignore files.


    % cvsdelta

Lists the changed files.

    % cvsdelta --execute

Lists the changed files, and executes the associated add and remove commands.

    % cvsdelta --compression 9 --execute --confirm --no-changes

Run with the maximum compression level. Add and remove the appropriate files, but get confirmation from the user before removing any files. Do not compare files that exist both locally and in CVS.


$HOME/.cvsdeltarc, .../project/.cvsdeltarc
Resource files containing name/value pairs, separated by either ':' or '='. The valid fields of a .cvsdeltarc file are as follows, with their default values:
    quiet:                    false
    verbose:                  false
    execute:                  false
    confirm:                  false
    diff:                     true
    compression:              3
    adds:                     true
    changes:                  true
    deletes:                  true
    skip-unknown-directories: false
    banner:                   true
yes and on are synonymnous with true. no and off signify false. The values in the project .cvsdeltarc file will override those in the user's .cvsdeltarc file. The project .cvsdeltarc is assumed to be at the topmost directory in the local file hierarchy.
A string of whitespace-delimited options, the same as listed above. These values override those of the resource files.


If a file exists in the CVS project but not locally, it is assumed that the file has been deleted, not that it may have been recently added by another user. The --confirm option can be used to deal with this situation.


Jeff Pace <>


Copyright (c) 2002, Jeff Pace.

All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License. See for more information.