man dbf2mysql (Commandes) - convert between xBase and MySQL databases


dbf2mysql, mysql2dbf - convert between xBase and MySQL databases


dbf2mysql [-v[v]] [-f] [-u|-l] [-n] [-o field[,field]] [-e conversion-file] [-s old-name=new-name[,c old-name=new-name]] [-i field[,field]] [-d database] [-t table] [-c[c]] [-p primary] [-h host] [-F] [-q] [-r] [-x] [-P password] [-U user] dbf-file

mysql2dbf [-v[v]] [-u|-l] -d database -t table [-h host] [-q query] [-P password] [-U user] dbf-file


dbf2mysql takes an xBase file and sends queries to an MySQL server to insert it into an MySQL table.

mysql2dbf dumps a MySQL table to a dbf file.


Produce some status output.
More verbose.
Even more verbose: produce a progress report.
Translate all field names in the xBase file to lowercase.
Translate all text in the xBase file to uppercase.
Translate all text in the xBase file to lowercase.
Allow NULL fields: 'NOT NULL' will be not added in table creation statement.
-o field[,field[,...]]
List fields to insert into MySQL database. Primary use is to ease import of complex dbf files where we want only few fields. NOTE: -o is processed before substitution (-s), so you have to use dbf field names here.
-e conversion-file
Specify file for CHAR fields conversion. File format is: 1st line: number of characters to convert (number of lines). Further lines: <char_to_convert> <char_after_conversion>.
-s old-name=new-name[,old-name=new-name[,...]]
Takes a list of field name/new field name pairs. Primary use is to avoid conflicts between field names and MySQL reserved keywords. When the new field name is empty, the field is skipped in both the CREATE clause and the INSERT clauses, i.e. it will not be present in the MySQL table. For example:
-i field[,field[,...]]
List fields to be indexed. MySQL field names should be used here.
-d database
Select the database to insert into. Default is 'test'.
-t table
Select the table to insert into. Default is 'test'.
Create table if one doesn't exist already. If the table already exists, drop it and build a new one. The default is to insert all data into the named table. If -cc is specified, no records will be inserted.
-p primary
Select the primary key. You have to give the exact field name.
-h host
Select the host to insert into. Untested.
Fixed length records. (By default CHAR is saved as VARCHAR.)
dbf2mysql: "Quick" mode. Inserts data via temporary file using 'LOAD DATA INFILE' MySQL statement. This increased insertion speed on my PC 2-2.5 times. Also note that during whole 'LOAD DATA' affected table is locked.
mysql2dbf: Specify custom query to use.
Trim trailing and leading whitespace from CHAR type fields data.
Start each table with _rec and _timestamp fields.
-P password
Specify password on the MySQL server.
-U user
Specify user on the MySQL server.


mysql2dbf can't write MEMO files at this time.

Possibly incorrect field lengths for REAL numbers.


Originally written by Maarten Boekhold <>, Oct 1995.

Patched for MySQL by Michael Widenius <>, 3 Nov 1996.

Manual page written for Debian GNU/Linux from README by Heiko Schlittermann <>, Aug 1997; updated by Matej Vela <>, Nov 2001.


Use this piece of software as you want, modify it to suit your needs, but please leave my name in place ok? :)


The authors do not accept any responsibility for possible damage you get as result of using this program.